System Dynamics Society
Budget for the year 2001 Conference
Revenues Pessimistic Realistic Optimistic
Fixed Variable Headcount Financials Headcount Financials Headcount Financials
Part A - Revenue and attendance
Early Member Registrants 275 90 24750 110 30250 110 30250
Early Nonmember Registrants 300 50 15000 65 19500 80 24000
Late Member Registrants 350 45 15750 55 19250 80 28000
Late Nonmember Registrants 375 25 9375 60 22500 70 26250
Supported Registration 150 30 4500 45 6750 60 9000
Exhibitors 1000 6 6000 8 8000 12 12000
Other Headcount (including sponsors) 5 0 10 0 15 0
Total Headcount 251 353 427
Additional Sponsorship 6000 6000 8000 10000
Total Revenue 81375 114250 139500
Part B - Cost
Fixed Variable
B.1 Conference Chair Line Cost
Conference Chair Totals 0 0 0 0 0
B.2 Program chair 500 0 500 500 500
B.3 Home Office
Salaries w Overhead 15000 50 27550 32650 36350
Mailings 8000 5 9255 9765 10135
CD Prep and Publication 7000 0 7000 7000 7000
Conference Travel 2500 0 2500 2500 2500
Pre conference Travel 1500 0 1500 1500 1500
Credit Card Costs 0 10 2510 3530 4270
Local Personnel 1000 5 2255 2765 3135
Operations 2500 0 2500 2500 2500
Equipment 2000 0 2000 2000 2000
Coffe Breaks 0 0 0 0 0
Banquet 0 35 8785 12355 14945
Social Program 0 20 5020 7060 8540
Transportation 470 6 1976 2588 3032
Home office Total 39970 131 72851 86213 95907
Cost total 73351 86713 96407
Conference Surplus 8024 27537 43093
(per head) 31.968127 78.008499 100.92037
No payments will be made to the conference chair
All sponsorship will be paid to conference receipts