1997 Report of the Chinese Chapter

14 August 1997

The Chapter has kept running well and normally in the past year.


The Chapter has its extended organiation--the SD Society of China. The domestic society owns many menbers and has 40 society officers, the number of domestic members in chapter are still about 500. Among the officers about one third are full professors. Most members are doing teaching and engaging research works.

Main Activities:


  1. Attending "CHINA-EU Conference on ITS and Trasport Telematics Appplication (June 3-5,1997)." The economy of China has suffered a lot from infrastructure problems for years. The limits of transportation to national economy development have already brought a large loss. ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) will be one of the the best ways to solve the problem. Qifan Wang and the Chapter Secretary Dr. Wu Bin atteneded the conference and had a good discussion with other participants. The chapter has spent great efforts to push the application of ITS to China since early June.


  2. Organizing an International Conference. As a main organizer and chairman of program committee Qifan Wang and some main members from the domestic society organized and attended the IFSAM Management Confernce '97 (IFSAM--International Federation of Scholarly Association of Management). The conference was held on July 15-17,1997. The theme of the conference is "The Oriental and Occidental Management Cultures in the 21st Century."

    The 21st century will witness the interaction and convergence of Oriental and Occidental cultures in the field of management. At the advent of such an epoch, to hold the conference in China, the birthplace of the Oriental culture, greatly accelerted the pace of cultural exchanges between countries. There were more than 300 academic people and professors from 30 countries and areas to attend the conference, the conference obtained a great success. The situation of the conference was reported by more than 20 main news papers in Mainland China.


  3. Research. The chapter has organized its members to engage in other research projects on topics such as regional infrastructure coordinated development, development strategy study of a district and state-owned enterprise reform, etc.