Programs Associated with SD Courses

M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences
Degree/Certificate/Other Program: Degree; System Dynamics specific Program? No; Associated Courses:Systems Modeling for Environmental Dynamics
M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Technology
Degree/Certificate/Other Program: Degree; System Dynamics specific Program: No; Associated Courses:Systems Modeling for Environmental Dynamics

Ali Kerem Saysel
Institute of Environmental Sciences
English, Turkish
[email protected]
+90 212 3597252
+90 212 2575033


Title Level Term Hrs per Week Seats Texts
Systems Modeling for Environmental Dynamics Senior undergrad, grad, postgrad Fall 4hrs/week; 3 credits 10 1. Andrew Ford, Modeling the Environment: An Introduction to System Dynamics Modeling of Environmental Systems. 1st ed. Island Press. 1999.
2. Barlas Y. 2002. System Dynamics: Systemic Feedback Modeling For Policy Analysis, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO Publishing, Paris-Oxford.
3. Michael L. Deaton and James J. Winebrake, Dynamic Modeling of Environmental Systems, 2000. (Reference text for simple environmental system models.)
4. Bossel, H. System Zoo 1-3: Simulation Models, Norderstedt, 2007. (Reference text for simple environmental system models.)
5. Alexey Voinov, Systems Science and Modeling for Ecological Economics, Academic Press, 2008. (Reference text for typical formulations in bio-physical systems.)