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D-Memos 3500 – 3999

D-Memos 3500 – 3999

D-number Pages Year Author Title
D-3500-2 2 1985 Morecroft Corporate Strategy, Policy, and Planning, 15.931, Readings for Spring 1984 section
D-3501 2 1983 Morecroft Corporate Strategy, Policy, and Planning, 15.931, Cases for Spring 1984 Section
D-3502 11 1983 Wang, P. Senge, Richardson and Meadows Theory and Application of System Dynamics (August 1983)
D-3503 26 1983 Wang Multistage Production and Distribution Model
D-3504 4 1983 Forrester, J. W. Standards for Book Manuscripts
D-3505 36 1983 Graham Chapter on Technology for volume one
D-3506 27 1984 Eberlein and Wang Statistical Estimation and System Dynamics Models
D-3507 22 1983 Senge, P. Book 1, Monetary Policy and Business-Cycle Chapter
D-3508 5 1984 Senge, P. Outline, Book 1, Understanding Socioeconomic Change and Policy Alternatives–Draft 1 of Revision 0
D-3510 7 1983 Kreutzer and Sterman 1984 Summer Session Brochure, 15.21s, Corporate and Economic Policy Design with Microcomputers
D-3511 8 1983 Sterman Principles of Dynamic Systems (POS) I, 15.852/872, Final Exam, Fall 1983
D-3514-1 65 1983 Graham Draft of Long-Wave Chapter for Volume 1
D-3515 29 1983 Hines SDNM Interest Rate Formulation, Theory and Estimation
D-3516 28 1983 Hines A Simple Model of the Business Cycle
D-3517-1 32 1983 Raghavendran and Wang Energy Development and Economic Growth in India
D-3518 1 1983 Forrester, J. W. Foreword for Theory and Application of System Dynamics by Qifan Wang, Et al.
D-3520 2 1984 Forrester, J. W. Comments on DPK402 Memo Regarding Tentative Agenda for Sponsors Meeting
D-3522 3 1983 Wang Resume
D-3523-1 17 1984 Kiefer and P. Senge Metanoic Organizations (rework of D-3360-3, to be published in Transforming Work)
D-3524-1 6 1984 Gould and Vietze Using Micro-DYNAMO on the IBM Personal Computer
D-3525 5 1984 Sterman Revisions of model terminology and structure
D-3526 3 1984 Sterman Debt formulation in the National Model
D-3527 3 1984 Sterman Book value formulation in the National Model
D-3528 15 1984 Morecroft, J. D. W. A Response to Heyl and Callarman: Understanding the Dynamics of MRP
D-3529 9 1984 Sterman Dividends in the National Model
D-3530 11 1984 Forrester, J. W. Changes to the model. Comments on earlier suggestions, and additions.
D-3531-1 21 1984 Graham and Eberlein Cost of Capital Equations
D-3532 8 1983 Eberlein RLE12A, Cost of Capital 2: Incremental revenue and cost
D-3533 5 1983 Eberlein RLE12B, Cost of Capital: 3 Return on investment
D-3534 2 1983 Eberlein RLE12C, Cost of Capital: 4 Tax and book accounting
D-3535 3 1983 Eberlein RLE13, Comments on production function
D-3536 3 1983 Eberlein RLE13A, The use of return on investment
D-3537-2 27 1985 Morecroft 15.931 Corporate Strategy Policy and Planning
D-3538-8 8 1984 Morecroft Curriculum Vitae (longer version than D-3538-4)
D-3539 4 1984 Sterman Dividends in the National Model
D-3540 1 1984 SDG POS I, 15.852/872, List of documents and disc locations of class Handouts
D-3541 2 1984 Senge, P. A New Dividend Proposal, PMS 112 memo
D-3542 5 1984 Forrester, J. W. Proposal for dividend equations/JF174 Changes
D-3543 2 1984 Forrester, J. W. JWF182 Changes. Using desired production relative to production
D-3544 2 1984 Forrester, J. W. Comments on System Dynamics Modeling of Arms Control
D-3545 8 1984 Forrester, J. W. Discussion notes for simple arms control model
D-3546-1 29 1984 Hines Cost of Capital and Market Value of Equity
D-3548 7 1984 Senge, P. Notes for Presenting Generic Structures
D-3550 9 1984 Sterman POS II, 15.873, Growth Expectations and Steady State Error: The Case of The Electric Utility Industry
D-3551 2 1984 SDG Proposals for a Journal of the System Dynamics Society
D-3552 10 1984 Sterman Expectation Formulation in System Dynamics Models: The TREND Macro
D-3553 1 1984 Morecroft Minutes of the System Dynamics Society Meeting (1, 1984)/Meeting of the Executive Committee, February 21, 9184
D-3554 3 1984 Morecroft Minutes of the System Dynamics Society Meetings (1, 1983)/First Annual Business Meeting
D-3555 20 1984 Kreutzer Slides for Senior Executives meeting 4.2.84, Strategies for investing In new technologies: A case study of the transition to digital image Processing in the color printing industry
D-3556 49 1984 Kampmann Critique and Proposed Changes of the Shantzis and Behrens Population Control Model
D-3557 3 1984 Morecroft Minutes of System Dynamics Society meetings (2, 1983)/Meeting of the Executive Committee, November 28, 1983
D-3559 1 1984 Forrester, J. W., Graham, P. Senge and Sterman Abstract for The System Dynamics National Model for the International SD Conference, Oslo, Norway, August 2-5, 1984 (Undated)
D-3560-1 32 1984 Morecroft The Feedback Viewpoint in Business Strategy for the 1980s. (Also Exists as SSM working paper #WP-1576-84)
D-3561 9 1984 Forrester, J. W. System Dynamics Modeling of the Arms Race/Slides Used in Presentation at The Sponsors Meeting April 27, 1984
D-3561A 5 1984 SDGroup List of Participants; Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3561B 2 1984 SDGroup Agenda for Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3562 38 1984 Sterman Commodity Stabilization Through Buffer Stocks: The Case of Rubber.
D-3563 56 1984 Senge, P. and Sterman Government Deficits in the Long-Wave Downturn, Part 1.
D-3565-2 1 1984 Morecroft The System Dynamics Society RENEWAL Membership Application Form, September 1, 1984 to August 31, 1985
D-3566 7 1984 SDG Outline for Volume I on the SDNM: Understanding Socioeconomic Change And Policy Alternatives
D-3567-13 10 1984 Kreutzer and Sterman SD: Modeling for Organizational Learning, Summer Session (1984) Course Materials
D-3568-1 37 1984 Morecroft Foresight in Business Planning for the London Symposium on Forecasting (Also exists as SSM working paper #WP-1577-84)
D-3568A 13 1984 Shreckengost Dynamic Simulation Models: How Valid?
D-3569-2 3 1984 Forrester, J. W. Memo to SD Society, Re Thoughts on a journal for the Society
D-3570 32 1984 Forrester, J. W. The SDNM–Objectives, Philosophy, and Status.
D-3571-2 10 1984 Forrester, J. W. Managing the Next Decade in the Economy. The New Economic Conference Sponsored by the Joint Economic Committee/Small Business Subcommittee on General Oversight and the Economy/Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future/Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC, June 6, 1984
D-3573 29 1984 Graham Introduction to the SDNM Structure
D-3574-2 1 1984 Morecroft 15.931 Strategic Management, Final Exam Fall 1985
D-3576 12 1984 Senge, P. Notes from March 1984 Meeting of the New Management Style Project
D-3577 46 1984 Sterman An Integrated Theory of the Economic Long Wave (Also SSM working paper WP-1563-84)
D-3579 2 1984 Morecroft Minutes of Meetings of SD Society, May 11, 1984
D-3581 6 1984 Sterman Summer Session workshop notes, Simulating the Beer Distribution Game
D-3582 15 1984 Sterman Summer Session workshop notes, A Simple Model of Corporate Growth, D-3361-1 reworked
D-3583 6 1984 Sterman Summer Session workshop notes, part 3, R&D, Managing a Project
D-3584 8 1984 Sterman Summer Session workshop notes, part 4, Understanding Oscillations
D-3585 9 1984 Forrester, J. W. Summer Session workshop on Arms Race. Was D-3561
D-3586-2 50 1984 Senge, P. Systems Thinking and the New Management Style/A Report on the Pilot Phase of the Project on Systems Thinking and the New Management Style
D-3587 9 1984 Kreutzer Summer Session — Market Growth exercise
D-3588 13 1984 Morecroft Annual Report of Activities, June 1983 – May 1984
D-3590 3 1984 Sterman Summer Session background reading — Conceptual exercise: Financial Panics
D-3591 39 1984 Homer Worker Burnout: A Dynamic Model with Implications for Prevention and Control
D-3592-4 70 1984 Senge, P. Chapter 3 of Book I–The Business CYCLE
D-3593 22 1984 Morecroft A Behavioral Model of a Fledgling High-Technology Growth Market
D-3594-1 47 1984 Graham Partial chapter on production sector for volume two (with revisions and An introduction based on D-3573)
D-3595 34 1984 Day Chapter 15, The Expanding Government Sector (from draft for The Troubled Economy
D-3596 14 1984 Morecroft Slides Used in Talk Strategy Support Models
D-3599 1 1984 Forrester High-Order Nonlinear Models of Social Systems (Abstract of talk for Conference at University of Texas, March 1985)
D-3600 7 1984 Forrester, J. W. Suggested Purpose and Content of Volume I on the SDNM
D-3603 4 1984 Morecroft Minutes of the Meetings of The System Dynamics Society, Policy Council, June 25, 1984
D-3604 15 1984 Morecroft and Cleary Slides Used in Talk Foresight in Business Planning,
D-3605 26 1984 Senge, P. Chapter 12 of Book 1: Government Deficits
D-3606 19 1984 Senge, P. Chapter 1 of Volume 2:
D-3607 4 1984 Morecroft System Dynamics Society Minutes of the Meeting of the Policy Council, August 1, 1984
D-3608 9 1984 Morecroft System Dynamics Society Minutes of the Meeting of the Policy Council, August 3, 1984
D-3609 7 1984 Morecroft System Dynamics Society Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting, August 4, 1984
D-3610-2 10 1984 Gould and Vietze SDNM Changes–Edited
D-3612-4 33 1984 Graham Structural Overview of the SDNM Chapter CC for Volume 11
D-3622 2 1984 Kreutzer October 1984 Sponsors Meeting Ideas (Draft 2)–Preliminary Tentative Agenda
D-3624 26 1984 Forrester, J. W. Request to American Telephone and Telegraph Company for Continued Support of the Program on the System Dynamics National Model
D-3626 4 1984 Forrester, J. W. Status of the System Dynamics Society
D-3627 2 1984 Unknown Officers, Policy Council, and Committees/System Dynamics Society/ 1984-1985
D-3628 7 1984 Gould and Vietze Rough Drafts of Flow Diagrams for the Government Sector of N333DPK5
D-3629 4 1984 Gould References (listing) for books on SDNM
D-3630 1 1984 Unknown System Dynamics Society, NEW Membership Application Form
D-3631-1 2 1984 Sterman Economic Dynamics, 15.878, General Information, Fall 1984
D-3632-1 2 1984 Sterman Economic Dynamics, 15.878, Conceptualization Exercise: Financial Panics
D-3633-2 2 1984 Morecroft List of Readings for 15.874, System Dynamics for Business Policy
D-3634-1 25 1985 Sterman and Meadows STRATEGEM-2: A Microcomputer Simulation Game on the Kondratiev Cycle
D-3635 25 1984 Morecroft An Appraisal of Research, Teaching, and Professional Activities/Prepared For a 1984 Faculty Review
D-3636 26 1984 Forrester, J. W. Preliminary Proposal for Continuation of the Program on the System Dynamics National Model
D-3637 33 1984 Gould and Vietze Rough drafts of flow diagrams for the Production, Labor, and Financial Sectors of N333DPK5 (Government Sector diagrams are in D-3628)
D-3638 4 1984 Sterman Economic Dynamics, 15.878, Partial Model Testing and Rationality in a Business Cycle Model (undated)
D-3638A 5 1984 Unknown Sloan School: General Exam
D-3640-3 52 1984 Morecroft and Paich System Dynamics for the Design of Business Policy and Strategy (Formatted for reprinting as SSM working paper WP-1606-84)
D-3641 52 1984 Kampmann Disaggregating a Simple Model of the Economic Long Wave (Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. General Examination Requirement)
D-3642 35 1984 Sterman Sponsor’s Meeting 10-18-84, Text slides and graphics handouts
D-3642A 7 1984 Forrester Sponsor’s Meeting Introduction, Progress, Overview
D-3642B 16 1984 Forrester Sponsor’s Meeting Business Cycles and the Long Wave
D-3642C 2 1984 Forrester Agenda for Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3642D 1 1984 SDGroup SD National Model Project Staff List
D-3642E 2 1984 SDGroup System Dynamics National Model Sponsors
D-3643 15 1984 Morecroft Sponsor’s Meeting, Text slides and graphics handouts
D-3644 22 1984 Forrester, J. W. Understanding Economic Complexity (edited extracts from D-3348)
D-3645 1 1984 Sterman Economic Dynamics 15.878: Exploring a Theory of the Business Cycle
D-3646 12 1984 Forrester, J. W. Sponsor’s Meeting, graphics and text slide handout
D-3647 8 1984 Senge, P. Local Decisionmaking and Organizational Learning: A Simple Model in the New Management Style
D-3651-4 13 1984 Senge, P. New Management: Moving from Invention to Innovation
D-3652-3 1 1984 Morecroft Procedure for Logging Membership Checks for the System Dynamics Society
D-3654 6 1984 Forrester, J. W. Participation by Corporations and Financial Institutions: Adjusting to the Economic Transition of the 1980s
D-3656-2 17 1984 Sterman Tooling: A Model of Deadline Pressure
D-3658 4 1984 Senge, P. Research Agenda–Generic Structures
D-3660 2 1984 Morecroft What You Need to Know for the Final Exam in 15.874
D-3661 10 1984 Graham Organizing Equation Blocks
D-3662 12 1984 Sterman Selected Bibliography of System Dynamics Applications in Social Policy
D-3663 3 1984 Forrester, J. W. memo to Junko, cc: Janet & Nan, on flow diagrams
D-3664-2 28 1984 Sterman and Waring Model of Deadline pressure, answers to Assignment 5
D-3665 44 1984 Sterman A Skeptic’s Guide to Computer Models
D-3666 14 1985 Gould Artificial Intelligence: A New Tool for System Dynamics, Abstract
D-3669 6 1984 Sterman 15.852/872 Final Exam
D-3670 2 1984 Morecroft 15.874, System Dynamics for Business Policy FINAL EXAM
D-3671 1 1984 Forrester, J. W. Partial List of Suggested Messages for Book I
D-3677 1 1984 Senge, P. Notes from November 1984 Meeting of Program on Systems Thinking and the New Management Style
D-3678 22 1984 Sterman General exam, Sept. ’84
D-3679 19 1984 Sterman Instructions for Running the Beer Distribution Game
D-3680 3 1984 Graham Suggested Messages for Volume One (a response to D-3671)
D-3680A 170 1984 Various System Dynamics Newsletter
D-3681 5 1985 Kreutzer ILP Symposium 2/28/85 brochure: Systems Thinking and the Design of Corporate and Economic Policy
D-3684-3 6 1985 Forrester, J. W. Dynamic Modeling of the Arms Race
D-3685-1 1 1984 Forrester, J. W. Viewpoint: Growing Swings of Business Cycles
D-3686 5 1985 Forrester, J. W. SD Program on Corporate and Economic Change–Adjusting to The Economic Transition of the 1980s
D-3687 20 1985 Graham Equation blocks for the production sector (physical portion)
D-3689-1 16 1985 Kreutzer Microcomputer Workshop Exploring Dynamics of an Arms Race. Abstract for 1985 Denver conference
D-3690 4 1985 Forrester, J. W. System Dynamics National Model Program
D-3691-2 10 1985 Forrester, J. W. Nonlinearity in High-Order Models of Social Systems
D-3697 11 1984 Hines Responses to Issues Raised by Kent Hall in His Summary of Review of the SDNM Project, Memo of October 22, 1984
D-3700 3 1985 Graham What are generic models?
D-3701 6 1985 Graham Use of Generic Models
D-3702 4 1985 Waring Kaibab Plateau Simulation Exercise
D-3703-1 7 1985 Forrester, J. W. SD Program on Economic Change, Management Leadership and Understanding Dynamic Corporate Policies
D-3706 25 1985 Forrester, J. W. Concept Paper for a Project on Unemployment, Investment, and Productivity
D-3707 2 1985 Morecroft 15.874, System Dynamics for Business Policy, List of Readings, Fall 1984
D-3708-1 9 1985 Kreutzer 15.21s 1985 Summer Session Brochure text: Corporate and Economic Policy Design with Microcomputers
D-3709-4 24 1985 Kreutzer Title and purpose pages for Polaroid presentation Jan. 31, 1985 of D-3598-1, Strategies for Converting to New Technology
D-3711 2 1985 Waring Notes from Jay Forrester’s Seminar on Research Problems
D-3712-2 39 1985 Sterman The Economic Long Wave: Theory and Evidence
D-3713 14 1985 Sterman A Simple Model of the Arms Race
D-3714 1 1985 Forrester, J. W. Short biography of Professor Jay W. Forrester
D-3715 13 1985 Forrester, J. W. Future Development of the System Dynamics Paradigm
D-3716 2 1985 Kreutzer Senior Executives Program, Spring 1985
D-3718 3 1985 Waring Proposal for Project Athena
D-3719-3 14 1985 Sterman Strategem-2 User’s Guide
D-3720 3 1985 Gould, Sterman and Kreutzer Proposal to Apple, Inc.
D-3721-1 5 1985 Forrester, J. W. System Dynamics in Management Education
D-3723 8 1985 Waring Answers to Positive Loop Exercise
D-3724-1 7 1985 Senge, P. New Management: Moving from Invention to Innovation, Executive Summary
D-3727-1 4 1985 Sterman Mission Statement for the Archives Department of the System Dynamics Review
D-3728 2 1985 Kreutzer System Dynamics: Getting the Picture. Subject of article in The MIT Press by Lucie Juneau
D-3729A 2 1985 SDGroup Agenda for Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3729B 1 1985 SDGroup Staff of the System Dynamics national Model Project
D-3730 25 1985 Senge, P. Sponsors Talk, Theories of the Business Cycle
D-3731 8 1985 Forrester, J. W. Sponsors Talk, Current Economic Issues and Discussion
D-3732 28 1985 Kreutzer Sponsors Talk, Personal Computer Workshop Exploring the Dynamics of the Arms Race
D-3733 16 1985 Senge, P. and Kemeny Sponsors Talk, Generic Structures as a Basis for Corporate Policy
D-3734-1 2 1985 Kreutzer Microcomputer Workshop Exploring Dynamics of the Arms Race (description)
D-3735 6 1985 Forrester, J. W. and Choucri Proposal to McArthur Awards Committee for a Project on Modeling the Arms Race
D-3736-1 27 1985 Graham Generic Models as Educational Tools: Teaching About Managing Technical Changes
D-3737 9 1985 Waring POS II Assignment Answers – Distinguishing Gain and Delay Elements of a Negative Loop
D-3738 12 1985 Senge, P. System Dynamics, Mental Models and the Development of Management Intuition
D-3739 9 1985 Morecroft and J. W. Forrester The System Dynamics Society 1985 Election Ballot
D-3740 10 1985 Hines Borrowing, Equity Issuer, and Dividends in the Firm
D-3741-1 7 1985 Senge, P. Understanding Economic Change and Policy Alternatives
D-3742-5 39 1985 Senge, P. SDNM Book I, Chapter 4, Long Wave
D-3745 28 1985 Graham Overview of Physical Portion of Production Sector
D-3750 2 1985 Sterman 15.852/872 Spring ’85 Final
D-3751-1 25 1985 Senge, P. Systems Principles for Leadership, Chapter 10
D-3752 21 1985 Senge, P. Chapter 5, SDNM book 1 – Stagflation
D-3753-1 21 1985 Senge, P. SDNM Book 1 Chapter N on Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle
D-3754 2 1985 Sterman STATEGEM2 – Kondratiev Game flier – advance information
D-3755 8 1985 Morecroft Annual Report of Activities
D-3756 2 1985 Graham Writing Schedule for Vol II
D-3757 53 1985 Morecroft Learning from Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of business Policy
D-3759 5 1985 Vietze SYSDYN3 User’s Guide
D-3760 1 1985 SDGroup Selected papers on the Long Wave
D-3761 8 1985 Various System Dynamics Review
D-3762 24 1985 Senge Government Growth
D-3763 4 1985 Unknown Minutes of July, 1985 System Dynamics Society
D-3764 12 1985 Morecroft SD Society Council Minutes
D-3765 19 1985 Gould & Vietze Household Diagrams
D-3766 25 1985 Senge The Erratic 1980’s
D-3767 7 1985 Senge Management Localness
D-3767A 8 1985 Kim System Dynamics and Business Policy
D-3768-3 4 1985 SDGroup Prospectus, Vol. II: The System Dynamics National Model
D-3769-4 15 1991 Graham Chapter EE, Vol II, National Model Project, The Household Sector
D-3770 12 1985 Sterman System Dynamics at Sloan School
D-3771 16 1985 SDGroup General Exam
D-3773-1 65 1986 Morecroft & Hines Strategy and the Representation of Structure
D-3776 24 1985 Sterman Review of Current Economic Conditions
D-3776A 4 1985 SDGroup Agenda, Oct. 1985 Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3776B 1 1985 SDGroup System Dynamics Group
D-3776C 4 1985 SDGroup Participants: Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3776D 47 1985 Forrester, Senge Toward a More Relevant Monetary Policy
D-3777 58 1985 Forrester, Senge Inflation and Monetary Policy
D-3778 31 1985 Morecroft Market Growth and Sales Management in a Multi-Product Firm
D-3780 5 1985 Arie deGeus New Management Style Meeting
D-3781-3 30 1991 Graham The Production Sectors
D-3782 15 1985 Morecroft System Dynamics and Business Policy
D-3784 34 1986 Merten Portfolio Simulation
D-3785 62 1986 Merten Know-How Transfer
D-3786 4 1986 Sterman, Hack Declining Inflation
D-3787 9 1986 Unknown Generic Life Cycles
D-3788 3 1985 Sterman, John Final Exam, 15.852, Fall, 1985
D-3789 3 1985 Sterman Report: IIASA Long Wave Conference
D-3790-3 27 1991 Graham Government Sector
D-3791 5 1986 Graham Changes to Government Sector
D-3792 14 1986 Mass Methods of Conceptualization
D-3793 2 1986 Morecroft Reading, 15.875, Applications
D-3794 2 1986 Graham Financial in Production Sector
D-3796-3 6 1991 Graham Labor Sector
D-3797 5 1986 Graham Comments on Labor Sector
D-3799 35 1986 Saylor, M. J. Workshop in World Dynamics
D-3801-3 25 1986 Sterman, J. Modeling Example: Kaibab Plateau
D-3802 4 1986 John Sterman Viewpoint: Understanding Decline in Real Wage Growth
D-3803 7 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. Transferring the System Dynamics Society Database From MIT to Pugh Roberts
D-3804 2 1986 Senge, P. M. Creating Systems Thinking: Key Objectives in Managing In- House Programs
D-3805 3 1986 Forrester, J. W. Household Consumption and Saving
D-3806 61 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. A Behavior Model of Sales, Planning and Control in a Data Communications Company
D-3807 59 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. A Behavioral Simulation Model of Forecasting and Production Scheduling in a Data Communications Company
D-3810-1 12 1986 Graham, A. Comments on Financial Sector and Household Savings
D-3811-3 12 1986 Graham, A. The Financial Sector
D-3815-1 3 1986 Forrester, J. G. a. J. W. May 1986 Sponsor Meeting Agenda
D-3815A 1 1986 SDGroup System Dynamics Group
D-3816 67 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. Sales Planning and Control in a Data Communications Co.
D-3817 64 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. Forecasting and Production Scheduling
D-3818 49 1986 Sterman, J. Sponsors Meeting Presentation May 1986
D-3820 13 1986 Senge, P. M. New Management Style Project. Management Overhead Exercise
D-3822 100 1986 Flint, B. A Role Playing Simulation for the Planning and Control of a Multi Product Salesforce
D-3824 15 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. Annual Report
D-3825 26 1986 Morecroft, J. D. W. System Dynamics and Policy Reasoning
D-3827 26 1986 Forrester, J. W. Understanding Business Cycles
D-3828 4 1986 Sterman, J. Understanding Business Cycles Leading Indicators
D-3829 10 1986 Hines, J. Understanding Business Cycles: Money and the Business cycle
D-3830 81 1986 Graham, A. Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of Production Planning in an Electronics Components Firm.
D-3831 27 1986 Senge, P. M. Organizational Learning: A Report on the System Thinking Program
D-3832 50 1986 Senge, P. M. Dangers of the Economic Transition: Review of Past Sponsors Meeting Presentation
D-3834 8 1986 Morecroft My Plans for Business Policy and System Dynamics at the London Business School
D-3835 20 1986 Diehl Model of Inventory-Production Fluctuations: The Impact of Local Information on Global Performance
D-3836 2 1986 Sterman Bank Failures
D-3837 53 1986 O’Callaghan A Spreadsheet Environment for Dynamic Modeling
D-3838 1 1986 Graham Volume II Drafts
D-3840-3 8 1990 Sterman Assignment: Basic Feedback Structures
D-3841 54 1986 Merten The Simulation of Social System Evolution with Spiral Loops
D-3842-1 2 1986 Sterman, J. Problem Definition and Model Conceptualization
D-3844-2 1 1990 Senge Biographical Sketch
D-3846 2 1986 SDG Participation in the Sponsorship Program for the MIT System Dynamics National Model Project
D-3847 4 1986 Sterman Production Control and Labor Management: Model Structure
D-3848 19 1986 Sterman Debt, Default, and Long Waves: Is History Relevant?
D-3849-1 3 1986 SDG Agenda for the Sponsors’ Meeting SDNM Project, Nov. 10-11, 1986
D-3849A 4 1986 SDG Sponsor Meeting Participants, Nov. 86
D-3849B 1 1986 SDG System Dynamics Group
D-3850 8 1986 Sterman, J. Conceptualization Case Studies: Industry Fluctuations
D-3852 21 1986 Sterman How Do People Forecast Inflation? Implications for the Economic Outlook
D-3853 12 1986 Graham A New Analysis of Saving and Consumption for the Household Sector of the National Model
D-3854-1 17 1986 Forrester Historical Perspective on the Long Wave
D-3855 22 1986 Kampmann System Dynamics Perspective on International Trade and the Value of the Dollar
D-3856 26 1986 Senge Assessment of the Current Economic Situation from the Perspective of the National Model Project
D-3857 22 1986 Kreutzer The Dynamics of Speculation
D-3858-1 2 1986 Forrester Temporary Chapter Letters
D-3859-1 2 1986 Forrester Outline, Volume 1 of SDNM
D-3860-1 30 1986 Forrester Chapter AA: Understanding Economic Behavior
D-3861-2 20 1986 Senge,N.Forrester Organizational Growth and Management Overhead
D-3862-1 1 1987 Senge Program in Systems Thinking and the New Management Style
D-3864-1 6 1986 Forrester, Jay A Systems Foundation for a Unified Education
D-3867 2 1987 Sterman, John Syllabus: 15.973 Principles of Dynamic System II, 587
D-3868-2 6 1987 Kreutzer, D. Syllabus: System thinking)
D-3869 2 1987 Kreutzer, D. Computer us for 15.95 1B/ 15.961A, Spring’87
D-3870-1 31 1987 Forrester, Jay The Alberta Long Wave Paper
D-3871 5 1987 Graham, Al. Switches for Controlling Model Configuration
D-3872 3 1987 Sterman, John Partial Model Testing Intended Rationality
D-3873 7 1987 Sterman Basic Feedback Structure
D-3874 2 1987 Sterman Commentary on Dornbusch & Fischer’s survey of 3rd World Debt
D-3878 17 1987 Kampmann, C. Solution to Assignment on Basic Feedback Structures
D-3879 1 1987 Kreutzer, D. Project Assignment for 15.951B
D-3880 11 1987 Kampmann, C. A Note on Oscillation for 15.872 Class Notes
D-3881 29 1987 Senge, Peter Shift in Management Styles (speech)
D-3882 1 1987 Forrester, Jay Education-related System Dynamics Papers (a list)
D-3883 4 1987 Sterman, John Assignment for 15.874: Market Growth Saturation
D-3884 2 1987 Sterman, John Conceptualization: Case Studies: Inventory Fluctuations
D-3885 5 1987 Senge, Peter Memo on Tensor Light Case
D-3886-1 4 1987 Senge, Peter Viewpoint: Housing & Real Interest Rates
D-3888-1 2 1987 Kuntz, Marg. Agenda, Spring ’87 Sponsors’ Meeting
D-3888A 1 1987 SDGroup System Dynamics Group
D-3889 23 1987 Kim, D. H. Generic Structures: Multiple Perspectives
D-3890 31 1987 Forrester, Jay Comparison of the 1920s and 1980s
D-3891 15 1987 Forrester, Jay Sponsors’ Meeting Notes
D-3892 2 1987 Gaffney, Rachel New Management Style Project Update, 3/2/87
D-3893 2 1987 Gaffney, Rachel New Management Style Project Update, 4/6/87
D-3894 24 1987 Senge, Peter Eroding Standards in the Service Industry (Sponsor’s Talk)
D-3895 23 1987 Sterman, John Sponsors’ Meeting: Another Oil Crisis
D-3896 8 1987 Graham, Alan Sponsors’ Meeting: Balancing Physical and Financial Assets in the Household
D-3897 23 1987 Kreutzer, D. Sponsors’ Meeting: Longer Term Problems of Economic Development
D-3899 7 1987 Forrester, Jay DEC Proposal
D-3900 10 1987 Senge, Peter People Express Case, Participant’s version
D-3901 11 1987 Senge, Peter People Express Case, Facilitators version
D-3902 4 1987 Senge, Peter People Express Case, Overview/plan
D-3903 24 1987 Forrester, Jay Lecture, Shanghai System Dynamics Society
D-3904-3 16 1987 Forrester, J. W. Lessons from system dynamics modeling
D-3905 40 1987 Graham, Alan Model Working Notes
D-3906 72 1987 Gaffney, Rachel Market Growth Model Tour 1 Thru 3
D-3907-3 16 1987 Kuntz, Marg. Proposal, CCS for High-tech Growth Companies
D-3908 1 1987 Sterman/Forrester Annotated Biblio of Books on Long Wave & Depressions
D-3909-1 4 1987 Diehl, E. W. Instruction for ‘Growing Pains’ – A management training exercise based on the market growth model
D-3910 6 1987 Sterman, John Causes of Oscillation
D-3911 8 1987 Forrester, Jay Overview at System Dynamics
D-3912 3 1987 Diehl, E. W. Instructions for ‘Production Plan’
D-3913-2 37 1987 Kreutzer, D. Introduction to Feedback Loops And Simple Structures
D-3914 15 1987 Unknown Guide to Preparing Visual Support Materials
D-3920 1 1987 Forrester, Jay Report on Visit to China
D-3922-1 2 1987 Kuntz, Marg. Agenda, Sponsor’s Meeting, Sept. ’87
D-3922A 1 1987 SDGroup System Dynamics Group Staff List
D-3923 17 1987 Kreutzer, D. Microcomputer Simulation of the AIDS Epidemic with STELLA and DYNAMO
D-3924-3 5 1987 Forrester, Jay Future Opportunities for Sloan
D-3925 18 1987 Forrester, Jay Trade, Competitiveness and Foreign Investment
D-3926 32 1987 Sterman, John Sponsors’ Talk: Current Economic Conditions
D-3927 14 1987 Graham, A. A Consumer’s Guide to Long Wave Theories
D-3928 23 1987 Kreutzer, D. Tools for Developing Thinking Skills: System Dynamics in High Schools
D-3929 25 1987 Graham/Senge Sponsors’ Talk: Integrating System Dynamics with the Case Study Method of Management Education
D-3930 7 1987 Diehl, E. W. The Use of Simulation Games as Management Training Tools
D-3931 2 1987 Senge, P. M. Description of Research Area Managerial Learning Laboratories
D-3932 1 1987 Forrester, Jay Memo to Urban Research Program: Industrial Applications of SD
D-3933 3 1987 Sterman, John Research Opportunities in System Dynamics
D-3935 2 1987 Forester, Jay Research Opportunities in Dynamics of Economic Behavior
D-3936 58 1987 Hines, James A Behavioral Theory of Interest Rate Mechanics (PhD Dissertation?)
D-3937-1 6 1987 Forrester, J. W. The Economy: Where is it headed?
D-3938 15 1987 Forrester, Jay Economics, Technology and the Environment (Italy)
D-3939 8 1987 Senge, Peter A Behavioral Description of a Metanoic Organization
D-3940-3 1 1987 Forrester, Jay Forrester Biography
D-3941-2 4 1987 Forrester, J. W. Comments on Social Change
D-3942-1 8 1987 Forrester, Jay SDNM Chapter SS, Book 1, Overview
D-3943 2 1988 Forrester, Jay Note to Sponsors regarding Paper on Trade Deficit by Julian Keilson
D-3944 6 1988 Forrester, Jay SDNM, Preface, Vol 1
D-3945 4 1988 Forrester, Jay System Dynamics
D-3946-3 33 1988 Graham, Alan Chapter SS; Household Sector, Purchase & Investment Decision
D-3947 15 1988 Graham, Alan Generic Models as a Basis for Computer-Based Case Studies
D-3948 37 1988 Forrester, Jay Notes: First Lecture for Killian Series
D-3949 27 1988 Forrester, Jay Notes: Second Lecture for Killian Series
D-3950 25 1988 Forrester, Jay Economic Behavior When Approaching a Long Wave Downturn
D-3951 5 1988 Bakken, Bent Problem Definition and Model Conceptualization: Suggested Solution
D-3952 2 1988 Lux, Nan Agenda, Sponsor’s Meeting, April ’88
D-3952A 1 1988 SDGroup List of System Dynamics Group
D-3952B 1 1988 SDGroup System Dynamics National Model Sponsors
D-3954-1 20 1988 Kim, Daniel 15.874 Basic Feedback Structures: Suggested Solution
D-3955 18 1988 Bakken, Bent 15.872 Basic Feedback Structures: Suggested Solutions to Assignment #3
D-3956 8 1988 Kim, Daniel 15.874 Managing a Product Lifecycle: Participatory Simulation-Solutions to Assignment #3
D-3957-2 19 1991 Sterman et al Experimental Evidence of Deterministic Chaos in Human Decision Making Behavior
D-3958 4 1988 Sterman, John 15.852/872 An Economic Flight Simulation, Assignment
D-3959-1 4 1988 Sterman, John 15.874 Strategy Dynamics: The Rise & Fall of People Express
D-3960 21 1988 Kim & Sterman 15.874 Understanding Business Fluctuations-Solutions to Assignment #4
D-3961 6 1988 Senge, Peter Steps Toward the Management Flight Simulator
D-3962 16 1988 Senge, Peter Sponsor’s Meeting: Interpreting the Stock Market Crash
D-3963 8 1988 Forrester, Jay The Next Frontier: Understanding Social Systems
D-3964-1 18 1988 Forrester, Jay Extension of Long Wave Expansion from Growth in Government
D-3965 24 1988 Sterman, J. D. Experimental Economics: Understanding the Causes of Behavior
D-3968 27 1988 Forrester, J. W. Economic Behavior in the The Next Decade
D-3970 5 1988 Sterman, J. D. Final Exam: Principles of Dynamic Systems
D-3972 13 1988 and E. Diehl Participatory Simulations as Training Tools
D-3973 7 1988 Senge, P. M. State of the Program Report
D-3977 1 1988 Forrester, J. W. Viewpoint: Real Estate and the Exchange Rate
D-3978-4 11 1988 Forrester, J. W. The Dynamics of Corporate Growth
D-3979 6 1988 Gould, J. M. and D. Kreutzer System Dynamics: Microcomputer Simulation of Corporate Strategy
D-3980 3 1988 Graham, A. K. Viewpoint: Brazilian Debt
D-3982 1 1988 Morecroft, J. D. W. System Dynamics and Microworlds for Policymakers
D-3984-1 30 1988 Senge, P. M. Economic Cross Currents: The Leadership Challenge for the 1990s
D-3985-2 4 1988 Sterman, J. D. Syllabus for 15.875, Applications of System Dynamics, Fall 1990
D-3986 5 1988 Sterman, J. D. General Exam
D-3987 2 1988 Sterman, J. D. Problem Definition and Model Conceptualization
D-3989 35 1988 Larsen et al Entrainment Between the Economic Long Wave and Other Macroeconomic Cycles
D-3990 4 1988 Sterman, J. D. Identifying the Policy Structure of Organizations
D-3991 6 1988 Forrester, J. W. The Science of Optimism, Interview with Jay Forrester by Peter Kelman, Classroom Computer News, Jan/Feb 1983
D-3992 17 1988 Forrester, J. W. An Interview with Jay Forrester by George Richardson, Plexus, 5/83
D-3993 8 1988 Kreutzer, D. Modeling Tools for Problem Solving
D-3994 2 1988 Kreutzer, D. System Dynamics: Getting the Big Picture
D-3995 1 1988 Sterman, J. D. Experimental Evidence in Chaos in Models of Human Behavior
D-3996 15 1984 Sterman, J.D. Appropriate Summary Statistics for Evaluating the Historical Fit of System Dynamics Models
D-3997 5 1988 Forrester, J. W. Conversation with Jay W. Forrester by Christopher Evans, Annals of the History of Computing, July 1983
D-3998A 2 1988 SDGroup Agenda for Sponsor’s Meeting
D-3999 14 1988 Senge, P. M. New System Dynamics Learning Tools for Management Education and Training