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The System Dynamics Society is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to promoting the development and use of System Dynamics modeling, a powerful tool for understanding complex systems and solving real-world problems.

Founded in 1984, the Society has grown to become the leading community of System Dynamics practitioners, researchers, and educators. Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds and industries, including business, government, academia, and non-profits, and share a common goal of using System Dynamics to make a positive impact in the world.

The Society provides a variety of resources and opportunities for its members, including:

Conference: A world-renowned gathering of System Dynamics practitioners, researchers, and educators, featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops.

Journal: The System Dynamics Review is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality research on System Dynamics and its applications.

Virtual Events: Regular virtual events and webinars on a variety of topics related to System Dynamics, including presentations by experts, panel discussions, and interactive sessions.

Chapters & SIGs: Opportunities to connect with fellow System Dynamics practitioners through regional chapters, online forums, and special interest groups focused on specific areas of interest within the field.

Resources: Access to a wide range of resources, including an online library, professional development workshops, member directory, mentorship programs and much more


A world-renowned gathering of System Dynamics practitioners, researchers, and educators, featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops.


The System Dynamics Review is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality research on System Dynamics and its applications.


Regular virtual events and webinars on a variety of topics related to System Dynamics, including presentations by experts, panel discussions, and interactive sessions.

Chapters & SIGs

Opportunities to connect with fellow System Dynamics practitioners through regional chapters, online forums, and special interest groups focused on specific areas of interest within the field.


Access to a wide range of resources, including an online library, professional development workshops, member directory, mentorship programs and much more

Our Vision

System Dynamics has the potential to transform society by improving decision-making in government, commerce, and philanthropy.

Our vision is to make System Dynamics widely recognized and valued for its ability to improve decision-making in organizations and society. We aspire to create a world where:

  • The impact of System Dynamics is widely known and appreciated by the general public and those in positions of authority.
  • Organizations actively seek out and employ a large and skilled workforce of System Dynamics professionals who have been trained to the highest standards.
  • Universities and other training institutions provide robust and accessible System Dynamics education and training programs.
  • System Dynamics is understood and respected within the academic community and is integrated into the education system, leading to a broader understanding and demand for better policy-making.

With this vision in mind, we strive to advance the field of System Dynamics and empower individuals and organizations to make informed and effective decisions that positively impact the world.

Our Mission

Empowering informed decision-making for a better world.

Our mission is to advance the field of System Dynamics and promote its use as a powerful tool for understanding complex systems and solving real-world problems. We aim to:

  • Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among System Dynamics practitioners, researchers, and educators.
  • Provide access to the latest research, best practices, and tools in the field.
  • Support the growth and development of System Dynamics professionals through training, networking, and professional development opportunities.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of System Dynamics and its applications among decision-makers, organizations, and the broader public.

By fulfilling our mission, we aim to empower individuals and organizations to make informed and effective decisions that positively impact society and the world.