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Planned Giving


The following donors have promised gifts that make an impact after their lifetime.  These gifts cost nothing now, but utilize a will, retirement plan, or life insurance policy to make a commitment to give to the Society later.

Deborah and David Andersen

Jane and Allen Boorstein


Planned Giving Campaign

Planned Giving options are in place and easy to access.  To meet the individual needs of Planned Givers, the Society has put in place a variety of options for receiving planned gifts.  The Society already receives current contributions in cash, credit cards, checks, and securities.  In addition, during 2022 the Stewardship Committee has worked to create mechanisms to receive Planned Giving gifts in the form of (a) Bequests, (b) Retirement Assets, and (c) Life Insurance.  Please review our Gift Acceptance PolicyAny statement of intention or gift made to a Planned Giving option will be earmarked for the Stewardship Fund.

The System Dynamics Society will be honored to acknowledge you as a Planned Giver on permanent lists available online, and in other literature.  A statement of intent is the basis for listing.  The System Dynamics Society recognizes that an intention of a planned gift is revocable, and any plans noted are not binding. A planned gift will not be accounted for until realized.  All information will remain completely confidential unless you authorize the System Dynamics Society to publicly recognize you as a Planned Giver.  

Planned Giving will typically not yield income to the Society in the current year.  However, it contributes to long-range sustaining financial viability.  This is a new opportunity in 2022 and Planned Giving to the System Dynamics Society will remain an option in perpetuity.

Where Your Funds Go

All Planned Giving is earmarked for the Stewardship Fund, which provides unrestricted support. The Stewardship Committee oversees the budget of the Stewardship Fund.  A planned gift will not be accounted for until realized.

Ways to Contribute


Bequest to the Society under a will or trust.

(No minimum)


Defer your gift and name System Dynamics Society as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts.

(No minimum)


Donors and supporters may name the Society as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of their life insurance policies.

(No minimum)


This category is for a specific project or in perpetuity support of a designated activity. Each such gift will be negotiated individually with the System Dynamics Society subject to the restrictions outlined in the Gift Acceptance Policies. An endowment can be made at any time.

($1,000,000 minimum)


From time to time further arrangements can be made with the Stewardship Committee.

The Society accepts bequests, please contact Roberta Spencer (Stewardship Committee) to discuss your plans to ensure that they can be accommodated.  Below is some sample language that can be inserted into your will: 

[If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, then] I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to System Dynamics Society, Inc., a Massachusetts nonprofit organization at address 815 E. Street #12747, San Diego, CA 92112, Federal Tax ID Number:22-2738769, [the sum of $____] or [____ percent (___%) of my total estate determined as of the date of my death] or [Description of Personal Property] or [all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at (Address or Description of Property)], to be used for [System Dynamics Society, Inc’s general use and purpose] or [the purposes designated in writing and delivered to System Dynamics Society, Inc. If, in System Dynamics Society, Inc.’s opinion, the need for funds for the designated purpose no longer exists or it shall become impossible for System Dynamics Society, Inc. to use this bequest to accomplish the specific purposes of this bequest, System Dynamics Society, Inc. is authorized to use these funds and income of this gift for a similar use and purpose as System Dynamics Society, Inc. determines is most related to the restricted purpose of my bequest].

Please review our Gift Acceptance Policy. No pledge is legally binding. There are no minimums for Planned Giving gifts, except for an endowed fund.  Planned gifts are tax-deductible in the United States of America as allowed by law and the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Planned Giving funds are earmarked for the Stewardship Fund.

These details are not intended as financial or legal advice. Please directly consult your financial advisor or estate planner while considering Planned Giving and tax incentives. No statement of intent is legally binding.

For further information about Planned Giving, please contact Roberta Spencer at

Stewardship Campaign

1. Creating a Tradition of Planned Giving and Founding Sponsors

The System Dynamics Society created a new Standing Committee in 2021. The Bylaws state that the Stewardship Committee shall raise funds consistent with the Policies of the Society and identify activities to support the mission of the Society including such things as: underwriting and coordinating research, initiating competitions, organizing apprenticeships, providing scholarships, funding attendance of subject area experts at Society conferences, coordinating workshops, initiating public outreach programs and undertaking other such activities as are consonant with the purposes as described in the Bylaws.

These are the Stewardship Committee’s first campaigns, which are organized for the purpose of encouraging 1) sponsorship and 2) Planned Giving from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other organizations in support of activities and programs of the System Dynamics Society and the field of System Dynamics. These new campaigns encourage both new and past, long-term supporters to take part in shaping the future of the world’s only professional organization for System Dynamics.

Responsibility for the Stewardship Fund is vested in the Stewardship Committee, whose founding members are Laura Peterson, Birgit Kopainsky, Warren Farr, Jorgen Randers, and David Andersen. The Stewardship Committee reports regularly to the Finance Committee and the Policy Council of the System Dynamics Society. The Stewardship Committee is responsible for the oversight of all funds in its campaign and is committed to ensuring their proper financial soundness and that resources are used at the highest standards. The Stewardship Committee will promote the activities and programs for this campaign by providing support, advice, and counsel regarding Planned Giving and sponsorship.

If you are interested in becoming a Founding Sponsor, or to learn about Planned Giving, please contact Roberta Spencer from the Stewardship Committee via We will welcome your membership in this special group and thank you for making the System Dynamics Society a major concern.

These details are not intended as financial or legal advice. Please directly consult your legal and tax advisors while considering sponsorship. No statement of intent is legally binding.

Sponsorships are tax-deductible in the United States of America as allowed by law and the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 

2. Endowment Fund

The Stewardship Committee will establish a special endowment fund to meet some special purposes from time to time.  Such funds will typically be created working with a champion who has the vision and energy to make the specific goal happen.  This champion may be in or outside the Society.

These significant major donations will be set up by the Stewardship Committee to meet unique goals and take advantage of emerging opportunities.

Funds donated to an Endowment Fund shall be allocated and spent in accordance with the purposes and practices that define the fund.  There may be circumstances where funds donated to a particular targeted fund may become part of an endowment or have additional restrictions.

The Stewardship Committee envisions that Endowed Funds may require special negotiations, be tied to a specially targeted fund, and will require minimum contributions of $1,000,000.

As of this date, no special endowment funds have yet been developed.

3. Statement of Intent to Document Your Planned Giving

3A.    Information for naming the System Dynamics Society in your Planned Giving

Name: System Dynamics Society, Inc. | Tax ID: 22-2738769

Address: 815 E. Street #12747, San Diego, CA 92112

Incorporation date: 1986 | State of incorporation: Massachusetts

If you would like more information, please contact Roberta Spencer at

Please consider sharing a statement of intent to let the Stewardship Committee of the System Dynamics Society know your gift is coming; this helps us to identify your gift when it comes in.

The System Dynamics Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; donations are tax-deductible is the United states of America as allowed by law and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We are a gold-level GuideStar participant, demonstrating our commitment to transparency (financial / diversity). Visit our Guidestar profile:  A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s website “Non-Profits & Charities Document Search” ( or, upon request, by contacting the System Dynamics Society:


No pledge is legally binding. There are no minimums for Planned Giving gifts, except for an endowed fund.  Planned gifts are tax-deductible in the United States of America as allowed by law and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Planned Giving funds are earmarked for the Stewardship Fund.

These details are not intended as financial or legal advice. Please directly consult your financial advisor or estate planner while considering Planned Giving and tax incentives. No statement of intent is legally binding.


3B.    Statement of Intent to Document Your Planned Giving

If you are making a provision to include the System Dynamics Society in your financial planning, please consider notifying us by completing and returning this Statement of Intent document.

All information will remain confidential unless you authorize the System Dynamics Society to publicly recognize your gift. The System Dynamics Society recognizes that all Planned Giving bequests are revocable, and any plans noted here are not binding on you or your estate.

Stewardship Committee

System Dynamics Society

815 E. Street #12747

San Diego,CA 92112 USA


Please consider attaching full documentation or copy of appropriate portions of the documents. By sending us your Planned Giving intention, the System Dynamics Society will be honored to acknowledge your charitable support in your lifetime.

Each gift contributes to our financial strength and ability to meet the needs of our growing and vibrant worldwide community. All Planned Giving is earmarked for the Stewardship Fund and all sums are to be used for the general purpose of the System Dynamics Society.  (Endowment Fund details will be negotiated separately.)


As with any decision involving your estate plans, we urge you to seek the advice of professional counsel when considering a gift to the System Dynamics Society.