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News & eVENTS


Find out what’s new from vendors, people, and more in the field. You can also submit news to be featured on this board and posted on the Society’s social media channels.

Call for Presenters: Seminar Series

Call for Presenters: Seminar Series

Share your insights in the System Dynamics Society Seminar Series. Submit your proposal and join a global community of experts


Check out upcoming Seminar Series, Chapter and SIG webinars, meetings, conferences, and much more!



The Society offers a referral service to match members offering services with those looking to learn or apply systems thinking or System Dynamics. Fill out the form to show your availability.


The Society shares job and research opportunities provided by leading organizations that use systems thinking tools for experts and practitioners to explore.

friendly companies

Check out a list of companies identified as friendly to System Dynamics and systems thinking.

volunteer with the society

We need more experienced system dynamicists to help the Society to further promote System Dynamics. Practitioners can assist on an ad hoc basis providing expert knowledge.

Join our Board

Help shape the Society’s goals and strategies. Self-nominate or nominate somebody else for Policy Council positions.

become a mentor

Give back what you have learned and help the next generation of system dynamicists achieve their best. Check out the Society’s mentorship programs to join as a mentor.

software & MODELS


Identify companies that provide the right software so you can show your best work to clients.


No need to reinvent the wheel. Check out simulations that will help you build yours.

user groups

Need help with software? Check out the User Groups maintained by software companies that can help you solve the problem.

isee systems Stella Architect

Ventana Vensim

Powersim Studio

Forio Epicenter



Join Society networking events.

member directory

Find fellow system dynamicists on our member directory. Update your information here.


Join our network on LinkedIn and keep abreast of the latest developments in the field.

sigs & chapters

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) revolve around topics and Chapters gather people from specific regions. Get in contact with their leadership to make more connections.


Search through a list of electronic channels like websites, email lists, and groups to engage with other experts and practitioners in the field of systems thinking while addressing global issues.

applications & cases

Systems thinking and dynamics experts and practitioners have successfully applied the methodology providing solutions for commercial case use generating impact in fields from healthcare to business and sectors like aviation and manufacturing.


Welcome to Practitioner Profiles, a series of up-close blog-length interviews with experienced System Dynamics practitioners. We have a standard set of 10 questions and let practitioners take the responses in any direction they choose. They tell us about who they are, how they got involved with the field, how they work with clients, and in what new directions they may be heading. A new profile will be posted every few weeks in 2021.