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Model Expo

Should you share your model with others? Definitely! The Model Expo is a chance to talk to people about how the models work, get important comments, and just show off.

This year there will be an opportunity to do this at the 2022 International System Dynamics ConferenceDuring special designated sessions times a Model Expo will be held and open to all conference attendees. System Dynamics practitioners who want to showcase their models will have an opportunity to demonstrate their models to both virtual and in-person participants, and let them interact with the simulation in real time.

Modelers interested in participating in the Model Expo should enter a proposal to the Web Portal Submission system under the “Other” submission type. Be sure to include “Model Expo:” at the beginning of your submission title, and provide a descriptive abstract of your model. You may also upload supplemental materials, including model files and documentation.

“The model expo was a fantastic idea: please continue!”