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University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Courses in System Dynamics » Europe » Austria » University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Programs Associated with SD Courses

Environment and Bio-Resources Management
Degree/Certificate/Other Program: Degree
System Dynamics specific Program? No

Christoph E. Mandl

Title: Privatdozent
Department: Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Language:  German
Phone: +43-664-4419885


Title Level Term Hrs per Week Seats Texts
Management Graduate Fall 2 hrs/week 20 Christoph E. Mandl, Managing Complexity in Social Systems: Leverage Points for Policy and Strategy. Springer International Publishing 2019.  DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-01645-6


Paul Pfaffenbichler, Astrid Gühnemann, Lukas Hartwig

Title: System analysis, strategic planning and policy modelling with system dynamics
Language:  English
E-mail: Astrid Gühnemann <>
Phone: (+43-1)47654-85611


Title Level Term Hrs per Week Seats Texts/Notes Obs
System Analysis, Strategic Planning and Policy Modelling with System Dynamics Masters Spring 2 hrs/week  40
Programs associated: Environment and Bio-Resources Management, Civil Engineering and Water Management
(both degree programs)


3 ECTS; Lecture & exercices

Applied System Dynamics Modelling in Transport Masters Fall 2 hrs/week 25
Programs associated: Environment and Bio-Resources Management, Civil Engineering and Water Management
(both degree programs)
3 ECTS; Lecture & Seminar


Information on this web page has been provided by instructors who are teaching System Dynamics courses, the System Dynamics Society is not responsible for the accuracy, currency, or reliability of the content.

Last edited June 29, 2021 

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