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Ateneo de Manila University

Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Technology (link)

  • Systems Thinking for Sustainability 
    • Master of Science in Sustainability Management
    • The MSSM program aims to develop graduates who can analyze management problems and issues using the perspectives of systems thinking and sustainable development; develop creative systems and solutions to management concerns regarding sustainable development; and develop tools and competencies for sustainability as may be required by new situations and contexts
  • Systems Modeling / System Dynamics Modeling 
    • Minor in Sustainability
    • Despite the Philippines’ share of poverty and risk of disaster, we have not developed a connected understanding of our complex social and natural environments. This connected understanding will use multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives, specifically, those of systems thinking and sustainable development. The minor program in sustainability provides students with a holistic understanding of sustainability and will equip them with new perspectives, tools, and methodologies that can be applied in different professions and fields. 

Department of Environmental Science (link

  • Environmental Modeling 
    • Master in Environmental Management
    • The MEM program aims to respond to the needs of environmental management professionals from the government, business and industry, non-governmental organizations, consultancy firms and academe. It is a professional non-thesis master’s program that aims to equip the student with the basic concepts in Environmental Science and Engineering needed to undertake Environmental Management, as well as the essential background in Environmental Economics, Ethics, Law and Policy.
  • Introduction to System Dynamics for Environmental Science
    • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
    • The BS ES curriculum combines the empirical focus of the natural sciences with the pro-active methodologies of management and the social sciences. It provides a broad disciplinary foundation needed to address many of today’s complex environmental problems.