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Standing Committees


Executive Committee

Authorities and Duties: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of the Society in between meetings of the Policy Council and undertaking actions consistent with the Bylaws and Policies that serve the purpose of the Society.

Past President: Brad Morrison
President: Allyson Beall King
President-Elect: Asmeret Bier Naugle
Vice President Finance:  Eliot Rich
Secretary:  Lees Stuntz
Appointed Members:
Jeroen Struben


Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Past President, President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to two other Policy Council members as established in the Policies.

Term of Office. The Executive Committee members shall serve a term coincident with their term as an associated officer or as determined by the Policies of the Society.

FINANCE Committee

Authorities and Duties:  The Finance Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the budget and financial activities of the Society. The Finance Committee shall oversee the spending of monies designated or restricted for specific purposes by the Policy Council. Spending in excess of the budgeted amounts from such funds based on unbudgeted contributions shall be allowed so long as the net drain or increase on the fund realized within the fiscal year matches the Society annual budget.

Eliot Rich 2024 – 2026
Bob Eberlein 2021 – 2025
TBD – partial term 2024

Composition.The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and two other members of the Policy Council.

QuorumA quorum for the Stewardship Committee requires all but one of the members be present or otherwise included in voting.

Term of Office. The Finance Committee members shall serve a term coincident with their term as an associated officer or as determined by the Policies of the Society.

Stewardship Committee

Authorities and Duties:The Stewardship Committee shall raise funds consistent with the Policies of the Society and identify activities to support the mission of the Society including such things as: underwriting and coordinating research, initiating competitions, organizing apprenticeships, providing scholarships, funding attendance of subject area experts at Society conferences, coordinating workshops, initiating public outreach programs and undertaking other such activities as are consonant with the purposes of Bylaw II. For activities requiring spending, the Stewardship Committee shall seek and obtain the consent of the Finance Committee for plans to use designated or restricted funds consistent with budgetary practices of the Society.

Warren Farr 2021-2027
David Andersen (Chair) 2021 – 2026
Vacant 2021 – 2025 (partial term)
Laura Peterson 2021 – 2024
Birgit Kopainsky 2024-2028

Composition. The Stewardship Committee shall consist of five individuals who are members of the Society but not employed or otherwise compensated by the Society for any work they do.

QuorumA quorum for the Stewardship Committee requires all but one of the members be present or otherwise included in voting.

Term of Office. Members of the Stewardship Committee will serve five year staggered terms. For the initial membership, and when necessary because of resignation, inability to serve or removal, newly appointed members will serve terms from three to seven years so that each fiscal year one and only one member will have their term expire. An individual may serve at most two consecutive terms on the Stewardship Committee.

Appointments. he Stewardship Committee shall select individuals to fill positions on the Stewardship Committee that will become vacant or have become vacant because of resignation, inability to serve or removal. All such appointments require the approval of the Policy Council before a member can be seated on the committee. Initially, and otherwise if there remain no members, the Stewardship Committee will be populated by a vote of the Policy Council.

Awards Committee

Authorities and Duties:  The Awards Committee shall, with the approval of the Policy Council, establish awards, define the procedures to be followed in making those awards, appoint selection subcommittees responsible for administering the awards, and oversee awards offered by external persons or organizations in conjunction with Society activities. The awards may be in recognition of outstanding work in system dynamics or may take the form of scholarships to promote access to conferences and other activities related to system dynamics.

Selection Sub-Committees: The awards committee may appoint award selection sub-committees responsible for the selection of award recipients. Members of the awards selection sub-committees shall be knowledgeable individuals willing to serve for long terms in order to achieve continuity in the award process. Selection sub-committees serve at the pleasure of the Award Committee.

Yaman Barlas 2023-2025
Hazhir Rahmandad 2022-2024

Florian Kapmeier  2021-2023

Composition:  The Awards Committee shall consist of six members, three of whom are former Presidents or recipients of the Jay Wright Forrester Award and three of whom have served on selection subcommittees, serving staggered three year terms.

Visit our Awards Page

Award Selection Subcommitees

Nominating Committee

Authorities and Duties: The Nominating Committee shall nominate members for offices and positions which the Policy Council determines shall be filled by an election. It shall put forward to the Policy Council suggested replacements for officers and Policy Council members who have vacated positions outside the normal nomination process. It shall maintain a file of members who are qualified to hold offices in the Society.

Past President (Chair): Brad Morrison
President:  Allyson Beall King
President Elect:  Asmeret Bier Naugle
Saras Chung 8/2023 – 7/2026
Ed Anderson 8/2022-7/2025
Juan Pablo Torres 8/2021-7/2024

Composition: The President, Past President and President Elect in office on August 1st shall be on the Nominating Committee with the Past President acting as chair. In addition three other members shall be appointed to the committee for staggered 3-year terms. 

Term of Office:  August 1st to July 31st.


Authorities and Duties:It shall observe the management of the Society from the point of view of compliance with the Bylaws and Policies of the Society. It shall study all proposals for changes in the regulations and shall make recommendations as appropriate. It shall make recommendations to the Policy Council concerning the organization and objectives of the Society. It shall examine all chapter Bylaws and changes thereto for conformity with the the Bylaws and Policies that serve the purpose of the Society.

Robert Eberlein 2022-2024
Lees Stuntz (Chair) 2024-2026
Brad Morrison 2023-2025

Composition. Three members serving staggered three year terms.



Authorities and Duties: The Publications Committee shall assess the quality, timeliness, distinctiveness, and coverage of publications of the Society and its Chapters and of its web site, with respect to the objectives of the Society and its editorial policies. It shall review the policies and practices of the editors and webmaster. It shall recommend to the Policy Council ways of effecting improvements in the publications of the Society and its web site. It shall annually submit to the Policy Council, via the Vice President Publications, a written report on all publications sent to the members or sold to the general public during the previous twelve months.

VP Publications (Chair): Bob Eberlein 2024-2026


Willem Auping 2023-2025
Krys Stave 2024
Karan Khosla 2024-2026

Executive Editor:  Andreas Größler 2021-2024

Composition.VP Publications serving as ex officio Chair and three members serving staggered three year terms.

Society Programs Oversight Committee (SPOC)

Authorities and Duties:  The Society Programs Oversight Committee shall recommend future Program Chairs, session types and formats, topics and application areas, and other items related to the scholarly content of conferences. It shall maintain a handbook of best practice that can be used by Program Chairs and others presented to the Policy Council at a minimum annually.

VP Meetings (Chair): John Pastor Ansah 2024-2027
VP Publications: Bob Eberlein 2020-2024
Rod MacDonald 2024 – 2026
Hyunjung Kim  2022-2025
Susan Howick  2023-2025
Allyson Beall King  2022-2024

Composition. The Society Programs Oversight Committee shall consist of the VP Meetings serving as ex-officio chair, the VP Publications and four additional members serving staggered three-year terms (in such a way that two members change each year), at least two of whom have served as Program Chairs.

Strategy Development Committee

Authorities and Duties: The Strategy Development Committee shall collect and prioritize initiatives to promote growth of the field of system dynamics. It shall submit a report and recommendations annually during the summer Policy Council meeting.

President (Chair):  Allyson Beall King
Past President: Brad Morrison
President-Elect:  Asmeret Bier Naugle
Appointed Members:
Scott Rockart 2022-2024 (2025-2027)
Jenson Goh 2024-2026

Composition.The Strategy Committee shall consist of the President, President Elect, Past President and three members serving staggered three year terms.


Authorities and Duties:It shall coordinate activities of the various chapters in the interest of regional and Society objectives. It shall be responsible to submit to the President-Elect of the Society a recommendation for Chair of the APCC once each year in time for the President to submit a name to the Policy Council for approval, as described in Policy 6, Section 1. The Chair shall be responsible to report annually to the Policy Council on the activities and the chapters in the Asia-Pacific region and other regional matters as shall come before the APCC.

President (chair):  Jenson Goh
Australasia Chapter: TBD
China Chapter:  Haiyan Yan
India Chapter:  Karan Khosla
Japan Chapter:  Yutaka Takahashi
Korea Chapter:  Chang-Kwon (Benjamin) Chung
Raafat Zaini

Composition. The Asia Pacific Coordinating Council shall consist of the presidents or their designated representatives from each of the recognized chapters in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Term of Office. Tied to the term of each participating chapter president or representative.

Additional information about Standing Committees of the System Dynamics Society is available in the Bylaws and Policies.

Authority, Tenure, and Membership of Standing Committees: Standing Committees shall have at least three members, each of whom serves a three-year term, and the terms of these members shall be staggered to provide continuity. In the third quarter of the year standing committees shall provide the Nominating Committee a list of members needing replacement along with a list of suitable candidates. The Nominating Committee shall then, in consultation with the Standing Committee, put forward a list of new members to be approved by the Policy Council. In the case of an unexpected vacancy that occurs when the Nominating Committee is not active, the President will put forward a replacement for approval by the Policy Council. The composition of Standing Committees shall be published annually.

Compensation. There will be no compensation for members of the Standing Committees. All activities are done on a volunteer basis. Expenses may be reimbursed in accordance with the Policies of the Society.

Ad hoc Committees


VP Meetings: John Pastor Ansah
Program Committee:
    Organizing Chairs: Birgit Kopainsky, Ali Saysel, Saeed Langarudi
    Program Chairs: Hazhir Rahmandad, Mohammad Jalali, Susan Howick
    Program Coordinator: Raquel Buzogany
    Program Assistant: Christine Tang
Thread Chairs
SOC Chairs
Volunteer Coordinators: TBD

Conference dissemination committee: Sara Metcalf, Krys Stave, Diana Fisher


Volunteers: Peter Hovmand, Inge Bleijenbergh, Christine Tang


VP Finance: Eliot Rich
Volunteers: Sharon Els, Jim Lyneis, Sean Morgan


PC member and Leader: Raafat Zaini
PC members: Scott Rockart, David Keith, Juan Pablo Torres
Volunteers: Eric Roseman, Christine Tang, Kelechi Odoemena


VP Marketing and Communications: Thomas Wittig
AVP Marketing and Communications: Raafat Zaini
Marketing & Communications Director: Fernando Redivo
Volunteers: Christine Tang, Kelechi Odoemena, Martha Toy, Monique Ann Tiongco

Strengthening the Field Committee

VP Chapters & SIGs: Peter Hovmand
VP Finance:
Eliot Rich
VP Meetings:
John Pastor Ansah
VP Membership:
Inge Bleijenbergh

University Innovation

Office: Rebecca Niles, Meagan Colvin
Volunteers: Ricardo Salinas, Chris Browne

The University Innovation Team aims to increase the adoption of System Dynamics and systems thinking in universities worldwide. The team has crowdsourced a university database of programs and courses in System Dynamics and systems thinking worldwide. 

We’d like to thank our volunteers for their commitment to promoting the field and expanding the reach of System Dynamics and systems thinking in universities across the globe. 

Al Thibeaut, University of North Dakota

Bob Cavana, Victoria University of Wellington
Bruce Neubauer, Albany State University
Chris Browne, The Australian National University
Daniel Guzzo, Technical University of Denmark
David Ross Keith, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne
Greg Hennessey, University of Oregon
Ilir Rodiqi, Instituti Nomad
Ismail Soujaa, Albany State University
Jean-Jacques Medastin, Albany State University
Juliette Rooney-Varga, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Len Malczynski, New Mexico Tech
Mike Radzicki, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Ralf Lippold, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden HTW (University of Applied Sciences Dresden)
Ricardo Salinas
Richard G Dudley, Formerly at Cornell University
Rod MacDonald, James Madison University
Rosa (Rossy) Gonzales Martinez
Tanguy Manescau
Wil Thissen, Delft University of Technology 

Additional information about Committees of the System Dynamics Society is available in the Bylaws and Policies.

Any officer wishing assistance in carrying out prescribed duties may appoint Ad Hoc Committees, provided that the term of said committee falls within the officer’s own term of office and provided said committee does not infringe unduly upon the authority of a Standing Committee or an officer of the Society.