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Society Membership Subscription

FREE / year

Your membership will be active for the following 12 months. 

The System Dynamics Society membership provides opportunities to network and interacts with practitioners, researchers, teachers, and those with a general interest in systems thinking and system dynamics. Members also receive full access to the System Dynamics Review and Seminar Series, discounts on our annual conference, online learning courses, and much more.

Regular membership: $165
Membership for those in economically developing countries: $50
Membership for K-12 educators: $50
Student (or recent graduate) membership: $30
Retired aged 60 and older who are retired from full-time employment: $82 

For more details about who qualifies, please see below.

Your 12-month membership is a subscription. Your plan will automatically renew every year with the credit card or PayPal you provided on the anniversary of the day you joined!

Select One:

Someone who introduced you to System Dynamics that can confirm you are a student. If you discovered the field by your own, please include the name of any professor that can confirm you're a student.
Please enter the institutional email address of the referred professor/instructor.
The school you're attending your program
The school you're currently teaching
Checking this box to acknowledge that you have reviewed the Code of Conduct for Members of the System Dynamics Society adopted by the Policy Council in January of 2019. Click the link below to review before proceeding. Code of Conduct
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Join our 1,300+ members around the globe who apply systems thinking and System Dynamics simulation around the globe. Members enjoy the following benefits:
  • Full access to our Seminar Series;
  • Full access to past and current issues of our scientific journal, the System Dynamics Review ;
  • Discounted registration fee at the annual conference;
  • Access to Mentorship programs;
  • Negotiated discounts on online learning courses from Society partners;
  • Preference for conference scholarship and conference volunteer positions;
  • Enhanced networking with access to our exclusive searchable online Membership Directory;
  • 10% discount on books sold by System Dynamics Society;
  • Contact with others in the field through occasional mailings, and through the electronic System Dynamics Newsletter;
  • Member support from the Society office;
  • And the privilege of voting in all elections, standing as an officer or as a member of the Policy Council, and nominating members for office or for service as a member of the Policy Council.
The membership will be active for 12 months and it will automatically renew with the credit card or PayPal account provided. There are three membership options to choose from:
  • Regular Members:  The regular member price is $165
  • Supported Members:  Those living in lower and lower-middle-income tier countries as classified by the World Bank who can not afford the regular member price may select the supported member option and pay a discounted membership rate of $50. We ask that you honor the spirit of this membership, which is intended to support those who cannot afford the full price when you make your selection. The Society reserves the right to rescind this membership from anyone who is found to not live in a country in the list above.  See below for a full list of qualified countries.
  • Student Members:  Current full-time students or those who have graduated within the last two years, can select a discounted membership rate of $30.  If you represent a university and would like to sponsor a number of students at a discounted rate, please consider a University Partnership which will allow you to purchase or offer discounted memberships to your students and showcase your university on our degree course page.
  • Retired members: Members aged 60 and older who are retired from full-time employment. 50% of the regular membership price.
If you are in need of financial support and do not qualify as a student or a supported member, please complete this financial support request form so that we can request support from Society donors and sponsors. Lower and Lower-Middle Income Tier Countries (as of 10/2020) For an updated list check the World Bank list.
Afghanistan Eritrea Mauritania South Sudan
Algeria Eswatini Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Sri Lanka
Angola Ethiopia Moldova Sudan
Bangladesh Gambia, The Mongolia Syrian Arab Republic
Benin Ghana Morocco Tajikistan
Bhutan Guinea Mozambique Tanzania
Bolivia Guinea-Bissau Myanmar The central African Republic
Burkina Faso Haiti Nepal Timor-Leste
Burundi Honduras Nicaragua Togo
Cabo Verde India Niger Tunisia
Cambodia Kenya Nigeria Uganda
Cameroon Kiribati Pakistan Ukraine
Chad Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Papua New Guinea Uzbekistan
Comoros Kyrgyz Republic Philippines Vanuatu
Congo, Dem. Rep. Lao PDR Rwanda Vietnam
Congo, Rep. Lesotho Sao Tome and Principe West Bank and Gaza
Cote d'Ivoire Liberia Senegal Yemen, Rep.
Djibouti Madagascar Sierra Leone Zambia
Egypt, Arab Rep. Malawi Solomon Islands Zimbabwe
El Salvador Mali Somalia

Additional information

Membership Type

Regular, Supported Country, Supported K-12 Teacher, Student