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Systems Thinking, System Dynamics: Managing Change and Complexity (2nd Edition)


Systems Thinking, System Dynamics offers readers a comprehensive introduction to the growing field of systems thinking and dynamic modelling and its applications. The book provides a self-contained and unique blend of qualitative and quantitative tools, step-by-step methodology, numerous examples and mini-cases, as well as extensive real-life case studies. The content mix and presentation style make the otherwise technical tools of systems thinking and System Dynamics accessible to a wide range of people.


By Kambiz E. Maani and Robert Y. Cavana Systems Thinking, System Dynamics offers readers a comprehensive introduction to the growing field of systems thinking and dynamic modelling and its applications. The book provides a self-contained and unique blend of qualitative and quantitative tools, step-by-step methodology, numerous examples and mini-cases, as well as extensive real-life case studies. The content mix and presentation style make the otherwise technical tools of systems thinking and System Dynamics accessible to a wide range of people. This book is intended as a text for students in diverse disciplines including business and management, as well as the social, environmental, health and applied sciences. It also has particular relevance for professionals from all backgrounds interested in understanding the dynamic behaviour of complex systems, change management, complex decision making, group problem solving and organisational learning. Systems thinking and System Dynamics provide a scientific paradigm, a set of tools and computer technology which can help explain the forces and dynamics that underlie change and complexity in business, political, social, economic and environmental systems. Using systems thinking and System Dynamics makes it possible to:
  • examine and foresee the consequences of policy and strategic decisions
  • implement fundamental solutions to chronic problems
  • avoid mistakenly interpreting symptoms as causes
  • test assumptions, hypotheses and scenarios
  • boost staff morale and improve productivity
  • improve the stability and performance of supply chains
  • find long-term sustainable solutions and avoid 'fire-fighting' behaviour.
'The world grows more and more interconnected every day, and yet our institutions of commerce, education, health care, and government, by and large, remain firmly wedded to the reductionistic worldview of the Industrial Age. While more and more leaders in institutions of all sorts realise the importance of systems thinking, few have progressed far in practical application, often daunted by what seems like a steep technical learning curve. This is unfortunate, because it leads to either complete neglect or relegating the tools to technical experts, and fails the urgent need for re-thinking critical issues that must engage us all. If you believe as I do that enhanced systems intelligence is the mandate for living together in our shrinking world, you will be delighted by Kambiz Maani's and Bob Cavana's new book, which takes a big step toward clarifying the underlying philosophy and demystifying the System Dynamics method that has long been the core of our work. ' Peter M. Senge, Society for Organizational Learning, MIT -Boston   The System Dynamics Society will receive affiliate compensation if you purchase this book using the link to Amazon.