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Terms & Conditions

Photo and Video Release

All conference sessions will be video recorded as a part of the virtual conference. By choosing “I agree” in the registration form you are aware of and consent to:

a. The photographing and/or the recording of your voice, image, and chat during the conference and related events and the use of these photographs and/or recordings singularly or in conjunction with other photographs and/or recordings for advertising, publicity, commercial or other conference purposes during and after the conference.

b. You agree that if you do not want your picture taken or voice recorded while on zoom, that you will not speak or turn on your camera.

c. To the extent that after any given event you feel there is something that you would like removed from the recorded content or website, you agree to review the published conference photographs and videos and make a request to for any images or recordings you wish to be removed.

Conference Participants List Release

By choosing “yes” in the registration form you are aware of and consent to:

a. Your name, organization, city, state, country, and email address being added to the System Dynamics Conference site, and any related conference applications. This list will only be shared among the current year’s Conference Participants.

Cancellation Policy

a. Once paid, registration fees for the Online Conference and Summer School are non-refundable.

b. Registration may be changed from in-person to online without penalty until May 28, 2024. A partial refund will be given for the difference between the price paid and the price of the online conference. After May 28, 2024, no refund will be given.

c. Online registration may be upgraded to in-person registration at any time by paying the difference in fees applicable at that time.

d. Registration may be transferred to a substitute participant.

Participants Code of Conduct for Meetings

a. Creating a supportive environment to enable scientific exchange and professional development by all at System Dynamics Society (SDS) meetings is of utmost importance and the responsibility of all. Consistent with the professional practice of other societies, it is SDS policy that all participants will conduct themselves at SDS meetings in a professional manner that is consistent with SDS’ Code of Conduct, welcoming to all participants and free from any form of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation. Participants agree to treat each other with respect and consideration to create and ensure a collegial, inclusive, and professional environment at SDS meetings.

b. All participants of SDS meeting activities agree to comply with this policy. Participants include, but are not limited to, attendees, guests, staff, contractors, and exhibitors. Meetings include all conference activities including sessions, business meetings, receptions, and any other SDS events.

c. Participants are expected to avoid any inappropriate actions or statements directed at any other based on individual characteristics such as age, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, ability status, educational background, or any characteristic protected by law. This includes but is not limited to suggestive, inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted touching or attention, stalking, harassing photography or recording, offensive or sexually-oriented images and aggressive physical behavior.

d. Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior is also prohibited. If a participant experiences or observes inappropriate comments or actions in violation of this code of conduct policy, it must be promptly reported to via email or in person to SDS Executive Director, President, or VP Meetings.

e. SDS will promptly investigate any report of conduct in violation of this policy. To the extent possible, SDS will handle any information gathered during an investigation discreetly; however, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. If the investigation concludes that the code of conduct was violated, sanctions may range from verbal warning, ejection from the meeting without refund, or notifying appropriate authorities. Retaliation for reports of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and are subject to the same sanctions.