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2024 Oceania Chapter Symposium

University of Sydney Business School


9 February 2024, 12-5pm – University of Sydney and online

We invite you to join us for the 2024 Oceania Chapter Symposium to learn about current work applying systems thinking and system dynamics modelling within industry, government, and academia.

Prior to the Symposium, please complete the Oceania Chapter member survey (if you haven’t already).


Registration is free.


In person: ABS Case Study Lecture Theatre 1050
The University of Sydney Business School, Abercrombie Building H70
Cnr Abercrombie Street and Codrington Street, Darlington, NSW, 2006 [Map]

Online: Please register to receive the Zoom link.

Hybrid Protocols

The symposium will have an in-person and online presence, with presentations and participants in both formats (hybrid). Volunteers will be managing the in-person and online presence, and please be kind as we balance the needs of the different audiences.

For online participants, we encourage you to share your video so that we can see participants, but to mute your microphone unless requested by the chair.

We will have an in-person volunteer in the Zoom to check chat messages and answer questions – please use the ‘raise your hand’ or ‘chat’ features to interact.


The venue is a modern teaching building with amenities, accessible access, and study pods. See the StudentVIP site for photos and building information.

The venue is a short walk from King St station, and there is time-limited on-street parking nearby

If you require an internet connection, please bring your own hot-spot.

Food & Drink

To keep registration free, there is no catering. We have scheduled plenty of breaks, and there are a number of cafes in close proximity, including the Abercrombie Terrace cafe located in the building [more information and menus]. Note that no food/drink is permitted within the Lecture Theatre.

COVID note

The organisers will follow NSW state guidance and University of Sydney Covid protocols. In-person participants may wish to wear a mask. If you are feeling sick or unwell, please consider joining the Symposium online to reduce the risk of spreading illness.

Symposium Photo

We’ll schedule a photo for the symposium to share on our social media platforms. Please notify us if you do not want to be photographed during the event.

Organising Committee

The Symposium is organised by the Policy Council of the Oceania Chapter of the System Dynamics Society: Chris Browne (chair, ANU), with the support of the Oceania Policy Council. Policy council members can be contacted at their institution’s email address listed on the Chapter page, or via

If you have a great idea on how we can better support System Dynamics/Systems Thinking in the region, please consider volunteering for the Chapter or joining the Policy Council.


11:30-12:00 Arrivals and networking

12:00-12:05 Symposium Opening and Welcome

Chris Browne

12:05 INVITED PLENARY: Anticipating the side effects of educational reform

David Keith, Melbourne Business School

12:35 Urban development growth strategies and societal well-being

Juan Rios-Ocampoa, Graciela Metternichtb,c, Kerry Humphreysd, and Shayne Garya
aBusiness School, Management and Governance, UNSW Sydney, Australia
bEarth and Sustainability Science Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;
cSchool of Science, Western Sydney University, Richmond, Australia
dBusiness School, Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, UNSW Sydney, Australia

12:50 Breaking the Cycle: A Comprehensive Analysis of Homelessness Interventions in NSW through Cost-Benefit Analysis and Population Dynamics [ONLINE]

Greg Joffe and Sarah Jones, Nous Group

13:05 Using public health systems models to embed systems thinking in teaching curricula: a demonstration

Sandra Marjanovica, Jacqueline Davisonb, Sithum Munasinghea, Danielle Currieb, Andrew Pagea
aWestern Sydney University
bSax Institute

13:20 SouthWest Airlines Christmas 2022 Meltdown: A Causal Loop Diagram Explanation

Mark Heffernan, Western Sydney University and Dynamic Operations

13:35-13:55 Group Photo followed by Break and Networking

13:55 Navigating Disruptions: Unveiling Consumer Adaptations and Digital Interventions in Building Viable Agri-Food Supply Chains

Kasuni Vidanagamachchi, Athula Ginigea, and Dilupa Nakandalab.
aSchool of Computer, Data & Mathematical Sciences, Western Sydney University
bSchool of Business, Western Sydney University

14:10 Challenges in Using System Dynamics to Improve Land Administration in Developing Countries

Ken Lyons, Retired

14:25 Investigating Slow Technology Adoption of Indonesian Agriculture: Focusing on the Startup Ecosystem 

Trisna Mulyatia,b and Diaz Adi Prasetyoa,c
aISSED (Institute for Statistics and Socio Ecological Development)
bTransdisciplinary (TD) School UTS
School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney

14:40 Critical Minerals and the Energy Transition 

William Grace, University of Western Australia

14:55 Modelling Modern Land Combat [ONLINE]

S. Stabya, D. Blumsonb, T. Caob, S. Elsawahc, M.S. Garyd, K. Hockb, L. Kosowskib, M.K. Richmondb
aEngineering School, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Canberra, Australia Capital Territory
bDefence Science & Technology Group, Edinburgh, South Australia
cCapability Systems Centre, UNSW Canberra, Australia Capital Territory
dBusiness School, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, New South Wales

15:05-15:25 Break and Networking

15:25 Frameworks for Implementation of Performance Management System – Case of University Technical Library [ONLINE]

Nanang Rosidin, Dermawan Wibisono, Oktofa Sudrajad, and Sudarso Wiryono Institut Teknologi Bandung

15:40 Management Challenges in Not-For-Profits: A Systems View

Stephen Saunders, Savvy Strategy Group

15:55 Effects of goal clarity on the use of information in decision-making processes: the case of beyond-GDP indicators

Giovanni Cunico and Shayne Gary
School of Management and Governance, University of New South Wales (Australia)

16:10 INVITED PLENARY: “Measuring unequal distribution of pandemic severity across census years, variants of concern and interventions”, [paper this talk is based on]

Mikhail Prokopenko, Centre for Complex Systems, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sydney

16:40-16:50 Member Survey and Engagement Discussion

Hossein Hosseini

16:50-17:00 Concluding Remarks and Symposium Close

Chris Browne

17:30-onwards Informal gathering for dinner for in-person attendees

We will walk as a group after the Symposium, or you can meet us at approximately 17:30 at:
The Duck Inn, Chippendale (map) (menu and information). Order and pay for yourself.

Before the Symposium

  • By the 8th of February, please share your slides ahead of time so that we can help with a backup on the day to:

Presentation format

  • Presentations slots are 12 minutes, nominally with a 10-minute presentation and 2-minute facilitated Q&A.  Where possible, we encourage presenters to consider preparing a shorter presentation so that there is more time for questions from the audience.

Expected audience

  • Assume that your audience is reasonably well-versed in system dynamics and systems thinking concepts. There is no need to explain fundamental aspects of system dynamics (such as what stocks and flows are, or polarity in causal loops).
  • Your audience would like to know, amongst other things:
    • your dynamical hypothesis – what were you expecting to explore?
    • your methodological approach – how did you explore the dynamical hypothesis?
    • any data, data collection, calibration, analysis, or verification undertaken – how did you triangulate your dynamical hypothesis?
    • any insights, results, conclusions – what were the key take-aways and lessons learnt?

Symposium record

  • The structured abstracts form the symposium record, and are linked directly from the symposium program above so that participants can find out more about your work and contact you for more information.
  • If you would like to update your structured abstract, please reach out to the organisers via your acceptance email.
  • If you would like to share your presentation slides, please send them to the organisers via your acceptance email to add them to the symposium record.

Powerpoint slides

  • Presenters are responsible for their own slides. There is a Symposium template [download ppt], which includes a title slide that we encourage you to use. You may then use the template or your institution’s own template for your slides.
  • In-person presenters may load their slides on the lectern PC during the breaks.
  • Online presenters should have screen sharing settings in Zoom ready so that you can present your own slides to the in-person and online audience.  Please ensure that you have tested your settings, and use a quality webcam and microphone to minimise potential problems.