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Early Career Health Paper Award

The Award

The Early Career Health Paper Award is given to outstanding papers dealing with health-related topics, authored by students or recent (past 5 years) graduates and presented at the conference. If you have multiple papers select the one you wish to submit.


The Prize

The $2500 award will be presented to the recipient (or recipients) during the Annual Health Policy Special Interest Group (HPSIG) Members’ Meeting, which is typically held in-person on the Sunday just preceding the conference. A brief announcement will also be made to all conference attendees at a plenary session.

This award will be given to people at early stages of their careers to encourage them to do further work in health System Dynamics.



This award is funded by generous donations from community members interested in promoting System Dynamics applications to health:

  • Jack Homer
  • Wayne Wakeland
  • David Lounsbury
  • Gary and Linda Hirsch

Email us if you are interested in supporting future awards.

 Ozge Karafil, 2017 winner 

Health Award Committee

David Lounsbury (Health Thread Chair)
Gary Hirsch
Jack Homer
Wayne Wakeland


The Health Policy Special Interest Group (HPSIG) of the System Dynamics Society is pleased to present the Early Career Health Paper Award for work in health System Dynamics, which will be awarded at this summer’s International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC). The award is sponsored by the Early Career Health Paper Award Committee of the HPSIG.

This award will be given to people at early stages of their careers to encourage them to do further work in health system dynamics. In the event the winning paper represents the equal work of more than one applicant, or if there are two winning papers, the cash prize may be subdivided. The work considered for this award must be accepted for presentation at the Conference. Papers are self-nominated, and to be eligible, the author(s) must either be in graduate school or have completed their educational training no more than five years prior to paper submission.

Authors need not be members of the System Dynamics Society and may, in fact, specialize in other methodologies and use them in their submitted papers. But their work must:

  • Focus on dynamic phenomena in health systems and problems,
  • Demonstrate technical quality and clear presentation, and
  • Provide original insights derived from a dynamic analysis.

In addition to presenting at the ISDC, the winner(s) must be willing to participate in the Annual HPSIG Members’ Meeting (typically held in-person during the ISDC), to receive their prize and to discuss their winning work with HPSIG members.

Self-Nominating Procedure

You must nominate yourself via the submissions system. There is no other way to be nominated for the Early Career Health Paper Award.

If your paper is co-authored and one or more of your co-authors does not meet the requirements for this award, then each such co-author must write a statement to the Early Career Health Paper Award Committee indicating that the eligible authors are indeed responsible for the great majority of the background research, modeling, and writing (including revisions) of the paper.

Scroll down to see a sample statement included below for reference.  To be considered for the Award authors should identify themselves as eligible when they submit their papers to the conference and no later than the conference paper submission deadline.

Note that for coauthored papers all eligible authors will share equally in any prize awarded.

Nomination Deadline

No later than the conference submission deadline.

Sample Statement


Attn: Early Career Health Paper Award Committee Members, Health Policy Special Interest Group, System Dynamics Society

Dear Committee Members,

In regards to the paper # titled “” for which I am listed as an author:

I certify that __________ (list all eligible authors) [is/are] responsible for the great majority (at least 85%) of the background research, modeling, and writing (including revisions) of this paper. I further certify that [he/she/they] [is/are] either in graduate school or [has/have] completed [his/her/their] educational training no more than five years prior to paper submission and [is/are] qualified to receive the Early Career Health Paper Award for this work. [His/her/their] dates of graduation are as follows: ________ (list actual or planned date(s) of graduation for each eligible author.)


Early Career Health Paper award winners

Prior to 2023, this was the Lupina Young Researcher Award by the Lupina Foundation