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Conference Sponsorship


Simply put, without our generous sponsors, our annual conference would not be affordable to the vast majority of the System Dynamics community. By keeping the price down through sponsorship and donations, more people will have the opportunity to gain insight from our speakers, network with others, and contribute to the growth of the field. By sponsoring the conference, you further our mission to spread high-quality applications of systems thinking and System Dynamics modeling throughout the world by making this valuable learning experience available. And best of all, you have the opportunity to get your brand in front of many who are interested in what you have to offer.

Add the name and email address of the participant(s) to receive your complimentary conference registration(s)


Conference Sponsors have access to a wide variety of benefits
  • Exhibitor$1,750
  • Supporter $3,500
  • Champion $7,000
  • Dynamic Partner $25,000
On-Site Conference Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Break Sponsor $15,000
  • Reception sponsor $30,000
  • Banquet sponsor $50,000
  Exhibitor | $1,750 | 1 complimentary registration
  • Space to exhibit your organization at onsite conference
  • Organization’s name on all conference literature and emails
  • Logo w/ link included on conference websites
  • Announcement of sponsorship via social media
  • Inclusion in special thank you letter to all conference sponsors sent prior to conference
Supporter | $3,500 | 2 complimentary registrations
  • All above +
  • One 30 minute meeting for exhibitor demos during conference
  • Special placement on marketing materials, emails, and websites
  • Dedicated Zoom meeting room to connect w/ attendees
Champion | $7,000 | 3 complimentary registrations
  • All above +
  • 3 minute advertisement featured before one plenary
  • Additional 15 minute meeting for exhibitor demo (45 min total)
  • Individual email announcing sponsorship to 10,000+ mailing list
  • Premier placement on marketing materials
  • Amplification on Society social media
Dynamic Partner | $25,000 | 4 complimentary registrations + 12 complimentary memberships (24 if students)
  • All above +
  • Preeminent location on all marketing materials
  • Conference moderator will explicitly thank you
  • Bespoke opportunity designed in partnership with Executive Director which might include hosting a special event, hackathon, scholarship, internship, or prize.
On-Site Additional Opportunities: Break Sponsor | $15,000 | 4 complimentary registrations + 4 complimentary memberships (8 if students) 
  • Conference Benefits
    • 1 minute plenary announcement of break
    • Special placement of name or logo on all conference literature, website, and emails
    • Custom sponsor Zoom background for your attendees
    • Private conference Zoom room to connect w/ attendees
    • Optional 45 minute exhibitor demo of product or service
    • Recognition during our annual conference
  • Society Benefits
Reception Sponsor | $30,000 | 4 complimentary registrations + 4 complimentary memberships (8 if students) 
  • All previously mentioned benefits under Break Sponsor +
  • Opportunity to welcome reception attendees during 3 minute plenary announcement
  • Premier location on all marketing materials
  • Marketing materials highlighting your organization at the conference Reception displayed on stand at Reception entrance
Banquet Sponsor | $50,000 | 4 complimentary registrations + 4 complimentary memberships (8 if students) 
  • All previously mentioned benefits under Reception Sponsor +
  • Opportunity to welcome banquet attendees during 7 minute plenary announcement
  • Marketing materials highlighting your organization at the conference Banquet displayed on stand at Banquet entrance

Additional information

Conference Sponsorship Levels

Exhibitor $1,750, Supporter $3,500, Champion $7,000, Dynamic Partner $25,000, Break Sponsor $15,000, Reception Sponsor $30,000, Banquet Sponsor $50,000