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Welcome to wiSDom: a blog about inspirational System Dynamics -by Warren Farr

I believe that System Dynamics as envisioned by Jay Forrester and as practiced by thousands of people worldwide is making significant contributions to important understanding and policy making. While I yearn for the accelerated spread of SD simulation modeling tools and techniques throughout the world, I know that SD is impacting the world in thoughtful and meaningful ways every day. I know this because of the many enthusiastic and passionate people that I have met as a member of the System Dynamics Society. Many inspirational stories are top of mind as a result of our recent conference in Reykjavik Iceland. 

While each individual story is about improving the world with social goals, environmental goals, and economic goals, etc., common among them is a thoughtful understanding and a careful designing of policies aimed at positive impact. I love the energy and the renewed sense of hopefulness that I receive at our conferences. With this in mind, the purpose of this new blog is for our members to tell their inspirational stories. What SD related endeavors have you been working on recently? How does it relate to the world around you? Help readers to understand the passion you feel for the chosen subject. Have there been insights that are particularly useful? I am excited to read your stories! Our new System Dynamics Society office team is ready to receive them, in say 500 words or so, in a conversational tone that will spread the heartfelt enthusiasm for System Dynamics that you are feeling! Please submit your ideas to

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