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The OASIS XMILE Technical Committee maintains a YouTube archive of their free webinar series on Big Data and System Dynamics. The series showcased exemplar applications of System Dynamics in areas relevant to business, healthcare, public policy, and the environment and discussed new opportunities that will be available as the XMILE standard is adopted.

The Systems Dynamics methodology studies the behavior of complex, interconnected systems over time with the goals of understanding a system better and avoiding both ineffective policies and unintended consequences. The XMILE (XML Modeling Interchange LanguagE) standard describes a standard format for sharing and distributing System Dynamics models.

I believe the XMILE implementation will have a major (positive) impact on the expansion of SD in life sciences, biomedical, and clinical research. The lack of a cross-platform standard implies a community of ‘provincial’ vendors’. In contrast, XMILE provides much more expansion and flexibility, for example if a vendor goes out of business, is acquired, etc. XMILE is a great step forward!

- Ed Gallaher

Videos for all webinars are available on the XMILE Technical Committee’s YouTube channel:

Past Webinars

Explore Climate Dynamics Models (July 12, 2016)

Presented by: Steven Adler, IBM and Rick N. Myskey, Jr., US Department of Defense

Presentation slides: Explore Climate Dynamics Models

Description: Climate Change affects us all. Every community on the planet will have to adapt. We believe we can help predict how some of those adaptations will take place and affect current and future systems. With Open Data, Systems Dynamics Models, and an Open Sources community of Systems Thinkers working together, we can help every community on earth adapt.

We are teaming up with the System Dynamics Society to run a hackathon at the International System Dynamics Conference on July 17-21 in Delft, Netherlands. System Dynamics is probably the best modeling discipline to illustrate how climate affects large ecosystems over time. An SD model looks like a flow chart, with stocks of goods that grow or shrink based on inflows and outflows. It is particularly good for illustrating the tertiary consequences of policy and events on large ecosystems.

XMILE Panel Discussion (June 24, 2014)


Andrew Ford, Washington State University
Diana Fisher, CC Modeling Systems
Ignacio Martinez-Moyano, Argonne National Laboratory
Matt Carlson, ALCES Landscape and Land-Use Ltd.

Hosted by Karim Chichakly and Bob Eberlein, isee systems

Additional comments: XMILE Panel Discussion additional comments

Description: In this overview webinar, the panelists had an open panel discussion with three leaders of the System Dynamics field on their views of what XMILE can do to change the field.

XMILE’s Display and Interface: Gaining insights from models (June 3, 2014)

Presented by Billy Schoenberg, isee systems and Gary Baxter, MEMIC

Presentation: XMILE’s Display and Interface slides

Description: The presenters explain how stock-flow diagrams are represented in XMILE. They will also discuss how output objects (such as graphs and tables) are described, how input objects (such as sliders and switches), are specified, and how the stock-flow diagram can be annotated with text, graphics, and buttons.

XMILE’s Simulation Capabilities: A look under the hood (May 20, 2014)

Presented by Will Glass-Husain, Chief Software Architect, Forio

Presentation: XMILE’s Simulation Capabilities slides

Description: Will Glass-Husain describes the core System Dynamics language specified by XMILE that all compatible software must implement and present several detailed example models. The XMILE language includes features such as:

  • basic functionality including stocks, flows, auxiliaries
  • specifying simulation units and time settings
  • mathematical, logical, and other functions
  • array syntax and functions
  • conveyors and queues
  • the ability to add new functions and structures with macros

Introduction to XMILE: An open standard for System Dynamics modeling (April 29, 2014)

Presented by Karim Chichakly, Co-President, isee systems

Presentation slides: Introduction to XMILE slides

Description: In this webinar, Karim presents the motivation for a standard, the benefits from the adoption of this standard including new applications the standard makes possible, and an overview of both XMILE concepts and the XMILE file structure.

Online Analytics: Bringing the power of System Dynamics within reach (April 8, 2014)

Presented by Michael Bean, President, Forio

Presentation slides: Online Analytics slides

Description: Michael presents LatinoVoteMap, a tool used in the 2012 presidential election along with a number of online simulators developed for business education and published by Harvard Business Review. These interactive tools provide the insights and understanding that come from long hours of modeling and analysis to people without the requisite technical expertise quickly and effectively. Michael outlines the design principles necessary to make world-class simulators that many people can use.

The ALCES Toolkit: Regional development and land-use dynamics (March 4, 2014)

Presented by Brad Stelfox, Matt Carlson, and Noah Purves-Smith, ALCES Landscape and Land-Use Ltd.

Description: The team of presenters demonstrates the ALCES Toolkit and its application to real land-use policy issues. The framework they have developed combines a System Dynamics model that allows for the quick investigation of project impacts on the local environment and then uses that information to paint a clear picture of the geographic spread of the resulting changes. The combination is powerful and insightful and a great example of how System Dynamics can be combined with other technologies to deliver results that can be understood and acted upon.

Energy Market Dynamics: Transforming the electric power industry (February 11, 2014)

Presented by Andrew Ford, Professor of Environmental Science, Washington State University

Presentation slides: Energy Market Dynamics slides

Ford 1997 – System Dynamics and the Electric Power Industry
Ford 2013 – Simulating the Value of Advanced Electricity Storage

Description: Professor Ford discusses two important examples of System Dynamics bringing understanding where other approaches fell short. For his first example, Dr. Ford covered the ground for which he received the 1996 Jay W. Forrester Award; his second example is completely recent. This presentation highlights System Dynamics as the ideal application for studying the dynamically complex electric power industry. It also shows the timelessness of a methodology that is completely focused on time. Electric utilities have seen dramatic shifts in regulation and technologies over the last four decades.

Big Data in Retail: Taking the next step with System Dynamics (January 28, 2014)

Presented by Bob Eberlein, Co-President, isee systems

Presentation slides: Big Data in Retail slides

Description: Big Data and System Dynamics belong together. While Big Data can analyze and forecast, only System Dynamics can predict how your ecosystem will respond when you act on those forecasts. For example, price elasticity in a given market might be studied, leading to decisions to change the product mix or implement special discounts. With System Dynamics, you can then model the impact of your strategies on your customer and competitor ecosystem to understand how they will react and how soon the value of your changes will degrade. This presentation will talk about being able to anticipate how your decisions will affect others, so you can be ready for changes.

Credit Card Market Simulation: Identifying strategies that drive structural change (November 19, 2013)

Presented by David Starr, Director, Cooper Human Systems and Sharon Els, Managing Consultant, PA Consulting Group

Full case and webinar. Presentation slides.

ReThink Health: Simulation models supporting local solutions to a national problem (October 29, 2013)

Presented by Jack Homer, Owner, Homer Consulting

Full case and webinar. Presentation slides.

The Dynamics of Climate Change: Understanding and influencing the planet’s future (October 8, 2013)

Presented by Andrew Jones, Co-Director, Climate Interactive

Full case and webinar. Presentation slides.


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