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China Chapter – About us – Ying Qian (Iris)

钱颖 YING qian (iris)


教授 Professor 

上海大学 管理学院 School of Management, Shanghai University 

电子邮件 Email:

电话 Phone: +86-15902126666




挪威卑尔根大学 系统动力学博士

挪威卑尔根大学 系统动力学硕士

Education Background

PhD, System Dynamics, University of Bergen, Norway

Master, System Dynamics, University of Bergen, Norway



Position  Hold in System Dynamics China Chapter

Vice Director & Secretary-General at System Dynamics Committee in the Systems Engineering Society of China


2021-至今           教授,上海理工大学

2016.1-2021      科研副系主任,上海大学管理学院信息管理系  

2013.3-2021      副教授,上海大学管理学院信息管理系

2010.7-2013.3   讲师,上海大学管理学院信息管理系

2001.7-2002.8   财务分析,惠普(上海)有限公司

1999.7-2001.7   审计,毕马威会计师事务所


Working Experience

2021-now        Professor, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

2016.1-2021   Vice Department Head, School of management, Information Science department, Shanghai University

2013.3-2021    Associate Professor, School of management, Information Science department, Shanghai University

2010.7-2013.3 Lecturer, School of management,  Information Science department, Shanghai University

2001.7-2002.8  Financial Analysis, Finance, HP, Shanghai

1999.7-2001.7  Auditor, KPMG, Shanghai






Research Interests

Information spreading on Internet

System dynamics method and its application

Business and Economics

Emergency response management

著作 Books

杨朝仲,于兆鹏,钱颖,陈国章. 视线变远见: 系统思考直击项目管理痛点[M].中国电力出版社. 201910

钟永光, 贾晓菁, 钱颖. 系统动力学前沿与应用[M]. 科学出版社. 20179

钟永光, 贾晓菁, 钱颖. 系统动力学[M]. 科学出版社. 20138月(十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)

Ying Qian. Mitigating Information Security Risks during Operation Transition: Model and Data. 2012. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Germany.

科研项目  Research Projects

钱颖. 上海市政府决策咨询研究重点课题(2014-A-26-B).中国未来经济增长 的态势、周期和动力机制及对上海发展的影响研究. 2014.5.1-2015.6.30.主持人

钱颖. 新媒介舆情与群体恐慌心理的动态关系研究青年项目(71103118) . 家自然科学基金青年项目. 2012.1.1-2014.12.31. 主持人

钱颖. 基于微博介质的突发事件谣言传播机理研究(11PJC075)浦江人才计 . 20012.1.1-2013.12.31. 主持人

期刊论文 Journal Articles

  1. Yulin Fang, Kai Lim, Ying Qian*, Bo Feng. System dynamics modeling for information systems research theory development and practical application. [J]. MIS Quarterly 2018, 24(4), 1303-1329. (SCI/SSCI, 中科院Q1, UTD-24)

  2. Jidi Zhao, Jianguo Jia, Ying Qian*, Lumin Zhong, Jiancong Wang, Yuyang Cai. COVID-19 in Shanghai: IPC Policy Exploration in Support of Work Resumption Through System Dynamics Modeling. [J]. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020, (13), 1951-1963. (SCI/SSCI,中科院Q4)

  3. Ying Qian, Xiao-ying Liu, Bing Fang *, Fan Zhang and Rui Gao. Investigating Fertility Intentions for a Second Child in Contemporary China Based on User-Generated Content. [J]. International journal of environment research and public health 2020, 17, 3905; doi:10.3390/ijerph17113905 (SCI/SSCI,中科院Q3)

  4. Yi Lu, Ying Qian*, Huayan Huangfu, Shuguang Zhang, Shan Fu. Ensuring the Safety Sustainability of Large UAS: Learning from the Maintenance Risk Dynamics of USAF MQ-1 Predator Fleet in Last Two Decades. [J]. Sustainability 2019, 11(4), 1129 (SCI/SSCI,中科院Q4)

  5. Zongfen Zou, Ying Qian*. Wireless Sensor Network Routing Method Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm. [J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2019, 10(3), 991– (SCI, 中科院Q4)

  6. Laijun Zhao, Ying Qian, Qing-Mi Hu *, Ran Jiang, Meiting Li, Xulei Wang. An analysis of hazardous chemical accidents in China between 2006 and 2017. [J]. Sustainability 2018, 10(8), 2935; (SCI/SSCI, 中科院Q4 )

  7. Jian Xue, Laijun Zhao, Longzheng Fan, Ying Qian*. An interprovincial cooperative game model for air pollution control in China.[J]. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2015, 65(7):818-27. (SCI, 中科院Q4)

  8. Ying Qian, Yulin Fang, Jose J. Gonzalez. Managing information security risks during new technology adoption. Computers & Security, 2012, 31(8): 859-869 (SSCI,中科院Q1)

  9. Laijun Zhao, Ying Qian*, Rongbing Huang, Changmin Li, Jian Xue, Yue Hu. Model of transfer tax on water pollution across regional boundaries in large-scale river basins:The case of Huaihe River Basin in China, Operations Research Letters, 2012(40):218–222. (SCI,中科院Q4)

  10. Laijun Zhao, Jingjing Chen, Ying Qian*, Qin Wang. USEIRS model for the contagion of individual aggressive behavior under emergencies. Simulation: Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2012, 88(12):1407-1418. (SCI, 中科院Q2)

  11. Laijun Zhao, Xulei Wang, Ying Qian. Analysis of factors that influence hazardous material transportation accidents based on Bayesian networks: A case study in China, Safety Science, 2012, 50(4): 1049-1055. (SCI,中科院Q2)

  12. 钱颖,王丽.基于模糊聚类的投资者P2P平台选择研究[J].管理现代化,2018(05):91-94

  13. 钱颖,朱莎. 股权众筹投资者决策行为影响因素研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2017,34(13):25-29.

  14. 钱颖,朱莎. 基于项目类型的股权众筹羊群行为及领投人作用研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2017 , 34 (1) :15-19.

  15. 周萍,纪洁,许靖,庄悦红,康向清,钱颖,薛迪.浦东新区区属公立医疗机构卫生技术人员数量的系统动力学预测[J].中国卫生资源,2016,19(04):340-344+349.

  16. 纪洁,许靖,庄悦红,康向清,钱颖,周萍,薛迪.浦东新区卫生技术人员数量的系统动力学预测[J].中国卫生资源,2016,19(04):345-349.

  17. 钱颖,王西子,倪君彧. 转移成本在在线用户的忠诚度中的研究评述[J].情报杂志,2015(3): 203-208.

  18. 钱颖,倪君彧,范明林. 基于微博的突发事件针对性信息分享行为分析[J]. 现代情报,2015(4): 45-52.

  19. 钱颖,汪守金, 黄向宇, 赵来军.基于系统动力学的客户终生价值提升策略分析[J]. 系统管理学报,2013, 22(5): 720-727.

  20. 汪守金, 钱颖,李文慧, 郭昆. 基于话题的微博传播模式与特性研究[J]. 情报杂志,2013(6) :176-181.

  21. 钱颖,张楠, 赵来军, 钟永光. 微博舆情传播规律研究[J]. 情报学报,2012, 31(12):1299-1304.

  22. 钱颖,汪守金, 金晓玲, 钟永光. 基于用户年龄的微博信息分享行为研究[J].情报杂志,2012, 34(12): 5-9.

  23.  钟永光,钱颖,尹凤福,周晓东.激励居民参与环保化回收废弃家电及电子产品的系统动力学模型[J].系统工程理论与实践,2010,30(04):709-722.


会议论文 Conference Papers

  1. Qian, Y., Yu, F., Hu, B. A System Dynamics Model for Developing Small  Towns with Characteristic Features [C]. The 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2018. Reykjavík, Iceland.
  2. Peng, B., Qian, Y., Xu, L., Kuai, L. A Study on Combat Process Simulation and Casualty Forecasting [C]. The 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2018. Reykjavík, Iceland.
  3. Qian, Y., Wang, Y. The Correlation of Interest Rates between Online Peer-to -Peer Lending and Traditional Financial Markets [C]. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science. 2018. Toronto, Canada
  4. Qian, Y., Zhou, J. The Research on Spatial Correlation of Economic Development, Capital Vitality and Innovation Capability [C]. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science. 2018. Toronto, Canada.
  5. Qian, Y., Zhu, S., Vetter, H.R., Hu, B. Model Based Study of Higher Education of Engineers [C]. The 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2016. Delft, Holland.
  6. Labaka, L., Qian, Y. Insights from a computer simulation model of a landslide disaster [C]. The 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2015. Hawaii, United States. (EI)
  7. Qian, Y., Labaka, L., Lango, P., Gonzalez, J. J. Modeling the 2005 Hatlestad Slide [C]. The 32nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2014. Delft, Netherland.
  8. Qian, Y., Zhang, N. Study of Information Spreading on Micro-blogging based on SEIR model [C]. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2013. Cambridge, United States.
  9. Qian, Y., Wang, S. Gender Differences in Microblogging Usage and Motivation [C]. 2013 IET/IEEE International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, Shanghai, China.
  10. Wang, S., Qian, Y., Li, Y., Chen, S. X. Customer Lifetime Value Promotion Strategy Analysis Based on System Dynamics Model. Proceedings of the 30th      International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2012. St. Gallen,
  11. Ying Qian,Yulin Fang,et al. Managing Emerging Information Security Risks during Transitions to Integrated Operations. The 43th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2010. Hawaii, United States. (EI)