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China Chapter – About us – Yijun Huang

黄逸珺 yijun huang


硕导 MA Supervisor 

北京邮电大学 经济管理学院 School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)

电子邮件 Email:

电话 Phone: +86-13910077176






2000.9-2004.12  博士,北邮,管理科学与工程专业

1992.9-1997.7    硕士,北邮,管理科学与工程专业

1987.9-1991.6    学士,北邮,邮电管理工程专业

Education Background

2000.9-2004.12 Ph.D., BUPT, Management Science & Engineering

1992.9-1997.7 M.A., BUPT, Management Science & Engineering

1987.9-1991.7 B.A., BUPT, Telecommunication Management Engineering






Member of System Dynamics Committee in the Systems Engineering Society of China

Member of Association for Information Systems of China


2005-至今    副教授 北京邮电大学经济管理学院,                                               服务管理科学研究所副所长,

2001-2003  原中国吉通公司总部总裁办公室负责人

1991-2000  院分团委书记及院党委副书记,讲师,                                             北京邮电大学经济管理学院 

Working Experience

2005.1-now        Associate Professor, Economics Management School                                  BUPT

2001.1-2003.7    Executive Director of President Office, and Secretary of                                 the Board, JiTong Co. Ltd
1991.7-2001.12  Lecturer, Economics Management School, BUPT





Research Interests

Supply chain management

Service operation management and decision

Complex social system research based on System Dynamics

著作 Books


科研项目  Research Projects












期刊论文 Journal Articals

(5)黄逸珺,杨春,基于个人信息的信息产品化路径模型研究. 服务管理与科学,Vol.6,No.4,2017,July:168~177
(7)黄逸珺,杨春,颜桦,基于系统动力学的扣强度对外卖平台订单量的影响研究,情报杂志, 2015年12月:37~40.
(8)HuangY.J.,Yin K.K., Research on the Evaluation and Selection of Third-Party Logistics Providers in B2C E-Commerce Mode, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Orgnizations,Vol,12.2014,4.1:74~88.

会议论文 Conference Papers

(1)Huang Y.J.#,Zhou L., Zeng Z.Q., Duan L.L., Wang J.Y. An Empirical Study on the Phenomenon of Information Narrowing in the Context of Personalized, 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Hangzhou,P.R.China, 2020.7.25.-7.26.
(2)Huang Y.J.#,Lu T.,Cheng K.G.,Wang J.Y., Research on Privacy Paradox in Social Networks Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and Data Mining, The Proceedings of Nineteenth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan,P.R.China, 2020.7.5.
(3)Huang Y.J.#,Lu T.,Valuation of Personal Information in the E-commerce Websites based on Contingent Valuation Method,8th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics Proceedings(2017 ICEME) ,Birmingham, UK,201710.27-10.29.
(4)Huang Y.J.#,Wang L.J.,The Case Study on The Supplier Certification System of B2C Platform Enterprise ,ICSSSM2016,Kunming,P.R.China,2016.6.24-6.26.
(5)Huang Y.J.#, AN H.chen.,Impact to the second-handed housing price made by the government policies, based on the system dynamics and a case study of second-handed housing market of Beijing,AMEIT2014,HongKong,P.R. China, 2014.9.21-.9.22.
(6)Huang Y.J.#,Wang J.J., Study on safety stock control based on system dynamics, ICSSSSM 2014, Beijing, P.R. China, 2014.6.25-.6.27.
(7)Huang Y.J.# , Yin K.K, Evaluation Indexes of the Third-party Logistics Providers’ Logistics Capability in B2C E-commerce Mode, LISS 2013(International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science), Reading,U.K.,2013.8.21-8.24.
(8)Huang Y.J.# , Liu W.W,The impact of privacy concern on users’ usage intention of mobile payment,2012 ICIII(International conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering ),SanYa, P.R. China,2012.10.20—10.21.
(9)Huang Y.J.# , Gu X.Y., Procurement Performance Evaluation Index System for Telecom Operators,2012ATMCC(International conference on Management Engineering and Business Management), FengHuang, P.R. China, 2012.8.25-8.26.
(10) Huang Y.J.# , L F., Study on the tracks of technology upgrade of ICT enterprises, 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, NanJing, P.R. China,2011.6.27-6.29.
(11) Huang Y.J.# , Zhang W.J., Research on the influence changes of enterprise informatization on corporate strategy,2011 International Conference on E-business and E-Government,Shanghai, P.R. China, 2011.5.6-.5.8.
(12) Chen J.W# , .Huang Y.J. ,Shu H.Y., A research of the adoption of innovation diffusion model on the ICT companies, 2011 International Conference on E-business and E-Government,Shanghai, P.R. China, 2011.5.6-.5.8.
(13) Huang Y.J.# , L F., Study on the tracks of product update of ICT enterprises, 2011 International Conference on E-business and E-Government, Shanghai, P.R. China, 2011.5.6-.5.8.
(14)Geng H.# , .Huang Y.J. , A Study on Effect Mechanism of Website Brand Equity, The Conference on Web Based Business Management(WBM2011), WuHai, P.R. China, 2011.9.24-.9.25.
(15) Huang Y.J.# , L C., Factors Influencing Users’ Attitude toward Playing Social Games in the Initial Stage of Game Release, The Conference on Web Based Business Management(WBM2011), WuHai, P.R. China, 2011.9.24-.9.25.
(16) Zhang A.H#., Zhao J.C., Huang Y.J.. The Determinative Factors of the FMS Patterns: A Comparative Analysis among Four Worldwide Groups The 3rd International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences, Beijing, P.R.China, 2009.9.20-9.22.
(17) HuangY.J.#, Wang W.G., Wu J., Yan X., Liu R., Dai,L. Guo T., Song H.L., Analysing on Demand Drivers of Enterprise Informatization Based on System Dynamics Method,IFIP TC 8 WG8.9 International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise information Systems, Beijing,P.R.China,2007.10.14-10.16.