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Sustainability and System Dynamics

Attend the upcoming conference, an international event featuring System Dynamics work

on the causes and effects of global warming and climate change

that affect global resources and assets

What’s new?

Check out how System Dynamics and systems thinking help solve environmental issues and propel the sustainability agenda.

Explore the EN-ROADS Simulator to find the solutions that keep global warming under 2 Celsius degrees using the model developed by Climate Interactive and MIT.

Learn how the iSDG model from the Millennium Institute helps countries create an effective development plan based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations.

System Dynamics

“I think System Dynamics is the ABC

of understanding the world”

Kate Raworth

“There is a property of systems that can be our greatest aid in our goal of creating change. Unfortunately, it can also be the biggest threat in our goal to protecting a stable climate. It’s called reinforcing feedback

Climate Interactive


Attend the conference to learn about state-of-the-art developments on sustainability issues and submit your work for greater visibility! The Conference offers 13 threads, 3 of which are closely related to sustainability issues. 

Environment and Resources

Emphasizes dynamics of natural resource management and policy for the environment including food, water, energy and climate change, pollution, environmental laws and regulation, and ecology.

Focus Areas: Agriculture and Food; Air, Water, and Land Use; Climate Change; Ecology and Biodiversity; Energy and Fuels; Environmental Regulation; Pollution and Waste Management

Public Policy

Covers issues including governance, social welfare, equity, justice, political science, urban dynamics, and infrastructure.

Focus Areas: COVID-19; Equity and Justice; Governance; Infrastructure; Political Science; Social Welfare; Urban Dynamics

Transport and Mobility

Covers all aspects of transportation systems and mobility, including transport and urban planning policies; new services, technologies or business models; decarbonization and sustainable mobility; transport and health; and freight and logistics.

Focus Areas: Accessibility and Equity; Decarbonization and Sustainability; Freight and Logistics; Infrastructure Planning and Policy Design; New Technologies and Services; Non-Car and Multi-Modal Transport; Public Health and Traffic Safety


Get involved and develop your skills in System Dynamics and systems thinking by reading sustainability-related books and playing hands-on sustainability-related board games.