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Oslo Agency of Waste Management Studies How to Increase Recycling Rate

Nov 3, 2020 | Cases, Environmental, Pre-College Education

The Issue You Tackled

One of the goals for the waste policy in the municipality of Oslo is to achieve a recycling rate at least 50 % from the household waste by 2018. In 2015 the recycling rate was 38 %. The result in 2016 was 38 % and this raises the question whether the objective of 50 % is realistic given the portfolio of means and actions that is used in the municipality today. The Agency of Waste Management in Oslo carried out a study to identify new ways and means to increase the recycling rate based on international published studies. The purpose of this work​ ​​was to use recommendations from the​ ​​modeling work, to implement these in different curbside collection schemes​,​ and​ ​​to quantify the effects on the recycling rate. The main aim is to give the Agency in Oslo sufficient information to conclude about the most cost-effective collection schemes and if it is relevant to change today​’​s scheme.

What You Actually Did

The work consists of five main parts.

  1. First ​​five different curbside collection schemes were designed and developed . These schemes consisted of different combinations of waste fractions and containers for recycled fractions and residual waste. The schemes were developed so they were mutually exclusive. From a decision point of view, the intention was that the decision maker has to choose one scheme, not a combination of schemes.

  2. ​​A system dynamics model ​was developed ​​that could simulate a future recycling rate​, based on data collected. This model consists of a traditional waste value chain and a structural and behavioral section that takes into account how the various schemes affect the ​public’​s waste sorting behavior. ​Three structural components in the model are populated with data ​reflecting the scheme that is simulated. These data were collected during group work with specialists in the waste agency.

  3. ​T​he collection schemes were simulated over a period of 15 years. The schemes were ranked by recycling rate and sensitivity analy​se​s​ were run​. ​​The net increase in recycling was identified ​by taking the schemes​’​ simulated recycling rate and subtract​ing​ the recycling rate in 2015.

  4. Then, as part four, the schemes ​were cost​ed. Cost and income drivers ​were identified and the different schemes​’​ cash flow calculated. Cash flows were transformed into a yearly ​totals – subtract​ing​ the cost base in 2015 ​identified ​the additional cost for each collection scheme.

  5. Finally, the simulated recycling rate and annuity ​were combined in two cost-efficiency figures. These figures gave the final ranking between the schemes. The cost-efficiency is the net increase in recycling rate ​compared with the additional cost.

The Results

The collection scheme ranked number 1 achieved a 50,9% recycling rate​ ​​for the lowest costs. However, this scheme requires another combination of bins and waste fractions compared to the scheme Oslo uses today, and​ ​​would ​require a major logistic change which will challenge the households and the waste agency.

The collection scheme​ ​​most similar to the scheme Oslo uses today was ranked as number 5 and achieved a 46,8% recycling rate to the highest costs. This scheme is a gradual development of today’s scheme.

Sensitivity analysis shows that ranking of the collection schemes due to cost-effectiveness is inelastic and the simulated ranking between the schemes did not change within the structural sensitivity parameters that were used (+/- 50%).

This work also shows that an implementation of a new collection scheme needs new sets of managerial information that the Agency​ ​​does not currently have. If Oslo finds it relevant to modify today​’​s collection scheme, 4 recommendations have to be​ ​​agreed before the Agency starts the process of changing the collection scheme.

Name Structural and Behavioral Effects on the Recycling Rate
Modelers John Egil Nilssen and Maren Sylthe
Client/Participant Waste Agency of Oslo, Norway
Client Type Government

Do you want to know more?

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