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Conference Submissions #intheloop

Conference Submissions #intheloop

by | Feb 9, 2022 | In The Loop News, News

Submit your work today to the International System Dynamics Conference
July 18-22, 2022 | Hybrid – Frankfurt & Online

Get the chance to present your work at the largest conference in the field. Submit your work today!

The deadline is March 18, 2022. 

We seek a variety of contributions of all kinds including:

  • Research, papers, practitioner applications, and work-in-progress descriptions showcasing both quantitative and qualitative approaches
  • Workshop proposals focused on software, skills, process, or other topics
  • Roundtables and Model Exposition proposals
  • Meetings of Chapters and Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Review the Call for Papers and Submission System Instructions before submitting your work. When submitting your work, be sure to choose a primary thread and a focus area (new for 2022). Please note that you must first sign in to our website to access the submission system.

Send this to any colleagues who you think have material worthy of presentation. We can’t wait to see your submissions!


Research Fellow in System Dynamics | Nottingham Trent University 

Ph.D. Opportunities | Loughborough University

Economist | US Department of the Interior

Physical Scientist | US Department of the Interior

This newsletter is created in partnership with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) to keep you in the loop on the most up-to-date System Dynamics news, job opportunities, upcoming events, and much more. We’d love to hear from you what kind of information you’d like to see here. Please send us any relevant updates to be featured here!

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